North Korea’s ruler, Kim and Russian President Putin have spoken well for an hour. The conversation was “full of content”, it was called – but on the Details of the heads of state were silent.

The North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un and Russian President Vladimir Putin have their first Four-on-one interview as “full of content”. It had been also the Situation on the Korean Peninsula, which is part of the largest international problems, said Kim in Vladivostok.

Meeting of Putin and Kim: At the talks, the Situation on the Korean Peninsula.


The two spoke after a more than hour-long conversation. Details were not known. “We were able to talk about the history of our relations and about Today, as well as the development of the bilateral relationship,” said Putin.

in Advance of the Kremlin chief and Kim had announced that even on the controversial North Korean nuclear program to speak. Russia is interested in as a neighboring country of North Korea to nuclear disarmament. Moscow, for steps in nuclear disarmament, the sanctions against Pyongyang are relaxed.