“The Swedish ror over the Atlantic ocean,”

“the High waves and sleep in the tvåtimmarsskift will not discourage Therese Lundgren. Gävlebon have now come halfway through a two month long voyage across the Atlantic – in a rowboat.”

“Imagine that you board a boat in the Portuguese city of Portimão, with a focus on French Guiana in northeastern south America.”

“Now perhaps you see before you, a luxury liner. Replace it with a small rowing boat – barely 2 metres wide and just over 8 metres long.”

“Just such a boat has been Swedish Therese Lundgren’s everyday lives in almost a month. The 44-year-old Gävlebon first heard about the extreme sport – called-ocean rowing, havsrodd – when she sailed on the Atlantic ocean in the last year.”

“I thought it sounded crazy at first,” she laughs when the TT reaches her on the phone from Mindelo in Cape Verde.”

“Therese Lundgren was soon convinced. She sat in the tube with a crew on a total of six people from different countries. The expedition started in the beginning of april and is expected to take two months.”

“the Boat they travel on is small and compact, with two small cabins at either end. But it is designed so that it will withstand heavy winds and high waves. When the storm struck during the journey to Cap Verde used the crew a fallskärmsankare who held the course straight while the boat lay still in 16 hours.”

“– It is built so that it should be able to wrap around and come back. She glides very nicely over the waves, ” says Therese Lundgren.”

“A night of rest, waiting, then continuing the journey. Cape Verde is about halfway to the ultimate goal. Remains: perhaps the hardest part – straight across the open sea.”

“– It is extremely tough, both physically and mentally. We are six on a boat. There is no privacy, there is constant moist. We rowed in tvåtimmarsskift and sleep for two hours, until a knock on the door and someone yells ”

“But the advantages weigh over,” says Therese Lundgren, which completes the vitsigt:”

“– It is a stunning starry sky at night. Draining, but peaceful.”