the Upset in the Swedish jazzliv has been highlighted earlier in the spring, following the announcement that thirteen jazzföreningar (all members of the Swedish Jazz association) was without funding from the arts council, while more than half of the country’s jazz clubs had their support. ”A major blow to Sweden’s jazzliv”, called the news in a press release from Swedish Jazz.

changed the support is to the arts council, in september 2018, the shifted system bidragsgivning to musikarrangörer. In the past, the aid has been distributed through their own national association, but from this year’s grants, the arts council, which itself implements the decision-making process for which of the candidates shall be granted the aid. More applications were received, stated the secretary-general Staffan Forssell for the SVT culture news, and, in a statement on the authority’s website was pointed out that 305 of 491 applications received funding.

the Protests from the session has remained, however, notably in several open letters to the Swedish arts council. And on Wednesday made a new joint statement, signed by more than 40 musicians and the Association of Sweden’s Jazz musicians. In the statement, which is sent through the Swedish Jazz, questioned Council’s action on the new. It points out that funding for the free culture is a ”’very limited’, and claims that the ”only innovation” patterns:

an imbalance and in the worst case a cannibalism in the field of music – the older and newer initiatives, the experimental and the traditional, must be able to work side-by-side. It is so a sustainable ecosystem built”, writes in the statement, which then concludes: ”Sweden needs a musiklyft that allows organizers and practitioners, regardless of musical direction can get a level playing field – both in order to develop artistically and to nurture their own traditions. Sweden needs more musikarrangörer who can pay reasonable remuneration to the musician – not fewer!”

Among the signatories of the letter are several of the country’s most prominent jazz musicians, including Amanda Ginsburg, Amanda Sedgwick, Georg Riedel, Goran Kajfes, Jonas Kullhammar, Lena Willemark, Lina Nyberg, Linnea Henriksson, Lisa Nilsson, Miriam Aïda, Nils Landgren and Rigmor Gustafsson.

the arts council commented in a written statement the comments from jazz musicians, and takes just as before forward to more musikarrangörer may be part of the arts Council arrangörsbidrag than in the past.

”the level of the premium has been increased in recent years, which among other things made possible by an increase of the allocation to the free performing arts and music at 25 million. By managing the grant in its entirety has the arts council an increased ability to support a varied selection of music of high quality in the whole country. The grant has become more flexible and open, which is also shown in both number of applicants and a large number of players who scored arrangörsbidrag for the first time. The diversity has increased,” writes Staffan Forssell.

that conditions for regional review has changed since the Kultursamverkansmodellens the introduction, and states that the possibility for the regions to prioritize is far greater than in the past.

”We also see more and more initiatives in which regions provide new assignments to different operators, which is nowadays funded by the kultursamverkansmodellen. The arts council look in the past kulturplanerna is to arrangörsfrågor lifted as increasingly central for access to a professional musical life,”‘ writes Staffan Forssell.