Scotland’s head of government Sturgeon calls before the next parliamentary election in a second independence referendum. It’s a choice between the Brexit, and “a future for Scotland should be as independent European Nation.” In a first Referendum on independence in 2014, a narrow majority of Scots had voted against independence from the United Kingdom. the

The Prime Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon, for a second independence referendum. Before the next parliamentary election in 2021, the British part of the country to vote a second Time. There should be a choice between Brexit and “a future for Scotland as an independent European Nation,” said Sturgeon in the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh. She wanted to pass the necessary legislation. The system of government in London don’t serve the interests of their country.

In a first Referendum on independence in 2014, a narrow majority of Scots (55 per cent) had voted against independence from the United Kingdom. More significantly, the Scots, the Brexit Referendum in the year 2016 for great Britain remain in the EU (62 per cent).

For a referendum on independence in Scotland, the consent of the government in London is necessary. The British Prime Minister, Theresa May has repeatedly made it clear that it holds a referendum in Scotland. In this attitude, nothing had changed, said a government spokesman on Wednesday.