“”Paow” Paulina Danielsson”

“Paulina ”Paow” Danielsson about cocaine: ”the Majority knarkar sometimes””

“Paulina ”Paow” Danielsson opens up about her periods the dimensions of the very bad and självmedicinerat. “

“She also tells us that she sometimes takes cocaine. “

“– The first one hundred times you say like no but then comes a time when you say yes to an afterparty, ” she says to Nöjesbladet. “

“Paulina ”Paow” Danielsson, 25, who at the moment when the current in the ”Paradise Hotel”, opens up about her partying in the podcast ”Nemo meets a friend”. On the question about their relationship to alcohol and drugs, she reveals that she is more or less romantiserar the drug cocaine. “

“– It’s not that I draw a line when I wake up, but it is something I do at an afterparty. I don’t know that I feel bad for it. “

“When Nöjesbladet reaches Paulina tells her that she thinks it is important to be able to talk about that she takes cocaine. “

” I want to be honest about it, because then it will be nevertheless not an abuse. Do you understand? If I say that the majority knarkar sometimes, for most of them, and shall sit and say that I don’t do it so I would be lying and I hate lying, ” she says. “

“She says that many of her successful friends who take just cocaine and that the drug existed in her life for a longer period. “

“– The first one hundred times you say like no but then comes a time when you say yes to an afterparty. Then, it is not directly when I’m out on Stureplan, but more when I was at some after party after a festival. “

“Paow: ”Been a little afraid of myself””

“In the podcast opens influencern up that she is in heavy periods självmedicinerat, something that she develops for Nöjesbladet. “

“” I have taken a lot of anxiety and stuff like that. It’s not that I sit at home and bends. “

” I feel good. I feel great, actually. “

“You have never been worried for yourself?”

“– Yes, yes, it has I well. Not worried about that, but sometimes I have gotten into periods where I do not know what the meaning of life is. Then I have become a little afraid for myself.”

“In what way have you been afraid of yourself?”

“– When you come in that kind of way of thinking. It is well a way to develop as a human being also. I think everyone at some point has questioned why it is. With that said, I don’t mean that I want to die, but sometimes I have just wanted to disappear. And it is jättehemskt. But I have talked about this before. Now I can handle these feelings much better than what I could do before. “

“How have you learned to deal with the feelings?”

“– Well, I don’t know. Well, I’ve learned to deal with them yourself. “

“You work as influences. Do you think that it is problematic that you are talking openly about the that you take cocaine?”

“– No one is well perfect or what?”

“Drogexperten: ”May cause death””

“Kai Knudsen, consultant and drogexpert at sahlgrenska’s intensive care unit in Gothenburg, sweden, says that cocaine is a drug that posed a big problem for several decades and controlled drug at the beginning of the last century because of its adverse effects. “

“one reason is the acute effects on the body with stresspåslag and at too large doses, you can get an irregular heartbeat that can lead to death,” he says. “

” The other reason is that it is considered to be a quickly addictive drug with significant adverse effects. “

“He says that the use of all illegal drugs is to be regarded as an abuse, but that the cocaine had a romantic stamp on the basis of its establishment as a partydrog in the united states and in the film. “

“– It is överromantiserad. Drug back is never particularly romantic. “

“There are helplines and hotlines that you can call if you need to talk with someone about your situation in life, either on a particular problem or overall. The answer can be anything from individuals who are committed voluntarily to the professionals.”

“you can contact a helpline or hotline:”

“Examples of hotlines around the abuse:”

“✓ health centre or Clinic.”

“✓ Psychiatric department.”

“✓ Staff at the school: teachers, school nurse, psychologist, social worker, matron, skolvärdinna, fritidspersonal.”

“✓ youth center.”

“▸ National helpline: 020-22 00 60. All days at 13-22.”

“▸ SPES, the national association for Suicide Prevention: 08-34 58 73. The telephone hotline every day at 19-22”

“▸ on-Call priest: through the 112 number. All days at 21-06”

“▸ helplines: 08-702 16 80. All days at night, at 21-06”

“▸ the BRIS Children’s helpline: 116 111. All days at 10-22”

“▸ the BRIS adult helpline – about children: 077-150 50 50. Monday–Friday: 10-13”

“▸ on-Call adoptionskompis: 020-64 54 30”

“▸ Red Cross hotline: 0771-900 800. All days at 14-22.”