Just a few days before the unimaginable tragedy in Sri Lanka, where the Danish musician Anders Holch Povlsen and his wife, Anne Storm Pedersen, yesterday lost three of their four children in one of the terrorangrebets explosions, told the billionaire about how it was the plan that the couple’s children to pursue their vision of the scottish highlands.

It happened in an open letter on the couple’s website wildland.scot.

the Wildland is the name of the couple’s scottish business and bevaringseventyr, where, over the years have acquired so many properties that they can today call themselves the Uk’s largest landowners.

In the letter, says Anders Holch Povlsen, how the plans for their scottish soils are so far-reaching that the final result will not be experienced in their own lifetime, but to the couple’s four children will lead the vision forward.

‘It is a project, which we know can’t be realized in our lifetime, and which will bear fruit not only for our own children, but also for the generations of visitors who, like us, have a deep love for the scottish highlands,’ writes the Danish tøjmand, who owns the Bestseller group.

‘From our home on the Glenfeshie has both Anne and I, our children and also our parents for a long time enjoyed a deep connection with this magnificent landscape,’ also states in the letter.

the Letter is not dated, but the scottish media The Herald quotes the content 18. april – that is, just three days before the terrorist attack in Sri Lanka.

the 112 – 22. apr. 2019 – at. 08:36 Denmark’s richest man’s children were killed in bombemassakre

Not everyone is just wild with the Danish rigmands plans for the scottish highlands, which he will lead back to its original version, before the landscape transformed by people.

‘We want to restore our part of the highlands to its former magnificent natural state and repair the damage that man has inflicted upon it,’ Anders Holch Povlsen.

Critics believe that the damage hunting opportunities in the area, and that the Danish married couple project so far has not created very many job opportunities in the local community.

the Letter from Denmark’s richest man, then, also, at the same time with a regeringsbestilt study has created debate in Scotland. The study shows that the ownership of scottish land is centered in a very few hands – among other things, Anders Holch Povlsens. He owns one man about one percent of the scottish land area.

Conversely, the dane also its supporters, who share his vision to restore the original highlands. He has also recently lent a six-figure sum in pounds free of interest to the Assynt Foundation, which owns two large properties in the highlands, when several banks had refused to lend money to the organization. Assynt Foundation operates like Anders Holch Povlsen its properties with a bevaringsvision.

Anders Holch Povlsen lost Sunday three of his four children, as several explosions hit Sri Lanka. To Ekstra Bladet confirms the best-selling the group’s communications manager, Jesper Stubkier, the tragic loss.

‘we can sadly confirm. We ask that you respect the privacy, and we therefore have no further comments,’ he writes in an email.

in Total, 290 lost their lives in the attacks of easter Monday in Sri Lanka, while more than 500 were injured in the explosions.

Close to the Rich from Fires: Now is he the Uk’s largest private landowner