the Number of swedes who call themselves christians is decreasing, slowly but surely. But more and more agree with the statement that we should ”invest in a society with christian values”. It shows the studies from the Surveyinstitutet at linnaeus university in Växjö.

these studies is that so many have been consulted and over such a long period of time. And of course it is noteworthy that more than twice as many therefore advocate ”christian values” now than four years ago. In general, it is difficult to draw any unambiguous conclusions.

What are the respondents with ”christian values”? Around this, you can only get with the more or less qualified guesses.

the report, political scientist Magnus Hagevi, points out in his blog a certain connection with the issue of refugees. Those who identify themselves as christians do not want to reduce the reception of asylum seekers, which is interesting. The fuel efficient, against his alien next are those who are not christians, but who advocate christian values.

Magnus Hagevi mean that this hereby shall be construed as the ”christian values” above all, it is a weapon against non-christians, against muslims. But in this case, is the battle going in the wrong direction and hits in front of all the own forehead, with a dull bang.

is not christianity, on the contrary, these two religions have much in common. Not least, they can both lead to immense suffering when they alone prevail.

this is also the big problem with islamism, that is to say, the politicised variant of islam that is not content with the believer, the individual submits to the decrees of god she believes in, but requires that everyone is doing it.

The one that – rightly – concerned about fundamentalism should instead emphasise the secular values.

the face, and it constitutes not only a religious threat but dwell also in the shadows of the conservative, authoritarian, often invandrarfientliga trend that is currently sweeping across the world.

The one that – rightly – concerned about fundamentalism should instead emphasise the secular values that are the best and most stable basis for a state. The good interpreter of other ideologies can find in their writings, are also available in modern democracy. It puts the universality of human dignity first, and assuming that we are each other’s equals. And in this quest, time is on our side.

Sweden was a country where women had the right to vote, where you had to beat the children, where homosexuality was forbidden, where the social care of the vulnerable was non-existent, where strangers were thrust out.

But we evolved, we learned versification benefits, and tolerance. It also makes those who come here from other countries, according to a new, major research study within the project World Values Survey: they adapt.

at home here after a few years. And the majority deviates soon as clear from the values that dominate in the country they come from. Their view of the individual’s right to freedom slipping ever closer to the Swedish standards, year for year. The longer an immigrant lives in Sweden, the more change she, försvenskas she.

It is not about assimilation, about to pull up all their roots and wipe away their identity, but about to set up on the conditions of the democratic society: You are free to live your life in accordance with your faith, as long as you also allow others to be free. A better deal than that is not.