Early on Monday morning became the Christer Östlund quite cold inside. When he would pay the taxi he took to the airport, he realized that he forgot his wallet with all credit cards at home.

His agenda was fully subscribed. A morning flights to Dusseldorf with a business meeting would then be followed by a flight to Paris with additional meetings.

” Not a chance that I would get back home or get your wallet budad to the airport. I was smoked, ” says Christer Östlund.

the taxi Driver Ömer Temel said to him, ”It resolves itself. You can borrow my credit card, there is enough money in the account”.

I just stared at him, wondered at first what he meant. I have never met this person in my entire life. He had no idea who I am or where I was going, ” says Christer Östlund.

” But he just said that it was quiet, he would do without the card and so he stretched it over to me and gave me the code to the card and their phone number.

insisted to get the swisha money to Ömer Temel as a guarantee, but he refused.

In my world, you have to trust people, it feels a lot more comfortable if you can live that way.

” In my world, you have to trust people, it feels a lot more comfortable if you can live that way. And I want to help others, ” says Ömer Temel.

Christer Östlund swishade however, the money for the taxi ride. Then the room he entered and flew to Dusseldorf. He took out around 300 euros and in the afternoon he went to Paris.

at Arlanda airport, late on Wednesday night stood Ömer Temel there and waited on him – both to get back his card, but also to drive him home to Stockholm with his taxi.

It was big smiles when they met again.

” For my part, I have regained faith in humanity. I find it hard to believe that I – or anyone else – would do the same thing if someone I don’t know been in this kind of trouble, but Ömer did it. Absolutely incredible, ” says Christer Östlund.

a Total of Christer used 4.200 sek of Ömer Temels money. They walked to the taxi and hotel during his business trip. Ömer Temel received 5,000 crowns as a thank you, the more they wanted he certainly did not receive.

” My mom has taught me that there are only two kinds of people – good people and not good people. This customer Christer, he had no money and no card – when he had to borrow mine, it is no stranger than that, I think, ” says Ömer Temel, who comes from Turkey and that since 12 years living with his family in Jarrow.

– You can write about it if you want, you don’t write about it if you don’t want to. For me it’s enough that I could help another human being. And he said thank you, ” says Ömer Temel.

Ömer Temel must now be likely to contact their bank and change both card and code, because his actions meant that he violated the terms of the contract by handing over the card and the code.

Read more: Five things you can do to help your fellow human beings