it is not clear Yet, how high is the damage to the Parisian Notre-Dame. However, the donations go funds to the masses. Hundreds of millions of euros have already come together. And it more constantly. This will probably appeal to the French government.

Alone on the platform GoFundMe to run over 50 Crowdfunding campaigns, like the Reuters news Agency reports. The platform is set up according to its own information with the authorities so that the money lands in the right place. Other collection sites for donations are calls in progress. On have participated in a collection of almost 1000 people, about 22’000 Euro together so far.

The money will help so, along comes the French government. Because of him the Church belongs. Therefore, it is not assured specially. This is the French real estate portal “BFM LaVieImmo writes”.

Video: chronology of the Paris fire disaster
flames in the night, fear in the night, in Spite of the Morning: the fire in The Notre-Dame in retrospect.

For such buildings, the principle of self-insurance by the state. This means that the French state must pay for the damage. Because of the many donations come just at the right time.

Already, regions of France have promised payments. Thus, Valérie Pécresse, the President of the Region Île-de-France, spoke of 10 million euros in emergency aid. The Department of the Alpes-Maritimes will also have to pay 1 Million Euro. The same is also hear from Toulouse.

Also, the Paris mayor, Anne Hidalgo, wants to collect money to rebuild the Church. You would like to initiate an international donors ‘ conference, how she writes on Twitter. The city of Paris itself wants to pay 50 million euros for the reconstruction.

each other, the owner of luxury goods brands Gucci and Louis Vitton have exceeded. Of Gucci owner François-Henri Pinault has provided 100 million Euro for the reconstruction in the view. Shortly thereafter, the family of Bernard Arnault, owner of luxury labels such as Louis Vitton or Moët Hennessy, 200 million euros pending to be paid to the reconstruction.

The Two are always encountered as donors. 2018 donated Pinault, for example, 3 million euros for the preservation of the house in which the French author Victor Hugo, Les Misérables wrote.

range: The Morning after

support is to continue to offer the Unesco, as the Director-General of Audrey Azoulay writes on Twitter. The Notre-Dame since 1991, in the catalogue of the Unesco.

Unesco is examining measures

As a help could look like is shown in the example of the Brazilian national Museum. This burned down in the past year. Unesco participated in the rescue work. 90 percent of the 20 million exhibition pieces were destroyed, the reconstruction is expected to take a decade, it is said, by Unesco.

Regarding the fire in Paris was already with experts on the ground in contact, said Azoulay, according to a Communiqué of the Unesco. To assess this damage and to plan short – term and medium-term measures.

The Notre-Dame was also in the past on donations and payments of the public sector dependent. So the state paid last year, around four million euros to support the Renovation of the building, which ran until the outbreak of Fire on Monday evening. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 16.04.2019, 14:45 PM