“Over 100 arrested after klimatprotest in London”

“British police have arrested 113 people after klimatprotesterna in London on Monday, when some of the city’s most famous and busiest streets was blocked.”

“most of the 113 were arrested for disturbing public order, and to have blocked the roads.”

“the Protest was organized by the klimatgruppen Extinction Rebellion, and several of the demonstrators, who want to get the government to do more for the climate, stayed overnight to continue the protests on Tuesday. When the protest began on Monday the organizers said that the plan is to demonstrate, in five days.”

“James Fox, a spokesperson for the group, says that most were arrested around Waterloo bridge which runs over the river Thames. Several of the demonstrators had fixed themselves in the vehicle and in each other with the help of high security lock.”

” We have no intention to leave until the government listens to us. Many of us are willing to sacrifice our freedom for this issue, ” says Fox.”

“in other european cities have demonstrations been carried out, among other things, in Stockholm, where a hundred klimataktivister the associated Extinction Rebellion blocked the parliament at lunchtime on Monday by playing dead.”

“the Same protest movement attracted attention in the past in april, when it conducted a seminude protest in the british house of commons. During one of the movement’s first major action in October, Greta Thunberg, an acclaimed speech.”