Movie The end of ‘Avengers: Endgame’, the latest film in the Marvel series, who after 20 years is coming to an end, has now been leaked on the internet. A video showing the last scene of the picture, circulating on social media. “That’s a big disaster for all involved”, says concerned employees. Film This article contains no spoilers.

Despite the extreme caution of manufacturer Disney there is still footage of ‘Endgame’ leaked before the release of the film. In our country, is that from the 26th of april in the halls. To make it worse, the not just a random image from the movie, but to the very last scene. So viewers immediately know how it all ends with their favorite heroes.

The leaked scene takes a whopping five minutes. It’s a recording that secretly with a smartphone is made in a movie theater, probably during a testscreening. Disney has already confirmed that the image is officially not released yet should be. They jumped very careful to publish images from the film. Even the trailer consisted almost entirely of old or fake images, so that fans no air could get from the storyline.

Mopping with the faucet open

Although they have everything to do everything for the leak as quickly as possible to resolve, it is mopping with the tap open: there are still copies of the footage is duplicated and which are increasingly distributed. For each video that is removed, is one. Who really already the end of ‘Endgame’ want to know, simply just in the direction of Google is going to be there a few minutes to search. Also on the discussion platform Reddit is the end of the print already extensively discussed. Other fans are worried that she, without wanting spoilers under eyes will get.

The dismay among lovers of the Marvel universe is big. “This is so bad for directors Mark and Joe Russo, who have gone to such efforts secret to keep, and all the other members of Marvel”, it sounds on Twitter. In addition, warn many of them potential pretbedervers: “If you have a spoiler on my account post, do I block you forever!”


Tickets for the film are much in demand, also in Belgium. For instance, in Kinepolis already has a ticket sales record broken, even before the release. More than 20,000 Belgians bought already a ticket for ‘Avengers: Endgame’. The Avengers marathon, where the last two Avengers movies after each other will be shown, it will be the largest number of visitors ever count for a filmmarathon in Kinepolis. Also the record regarding the number of tickets sold in 24 hours by the latest Marvel movie is broken.

In America tickets for the first speelweek resold at an inflated price of almost $ 10,000 per ticket. That the end for which so many people, so many want to pay now online for the pick up is, is a hammer blow for the makers and actors. “Now is the hope that this number will not influence”, says experts. “The film was on the way to véle breaking records.”