Then DN wrote about autobromsande volvo cars on Essingeleden has a large number of readers heard of similar troubles. The Swedish transport administration, which is responsible for the operation of the Essingeleden, has researched the question and had a staff in place.

According to the DN has employees at Volvo known for this problem and tested in the curve. DN has repeatedly asked the company’s press office whether they have had awareness of the problem and if they intend to do something about it – without getting any response.

repeat the response you received earlier is the answer we have. I would also like to emphasize, as I also wrote in my last email, that we take all customers seriously and want them to feel safe and secure in our cars. They are welcome to apply directly to us via our customer service centre, to a Volvoverkstad for an analysis of his car, to ask questions about the system or just to discuss if they experienced any inconvenience. We understand that it can be experienced as unpleasant if the car would autobromsa without apparent reason.”, write the company’s presstalesperson Annika Bjerstaf in an email to DN.

When DN is running a Volvo V70 from 2016, the vehicle brakes for no reason on the same place on the Essingeleden. Photo: Fredrik Funck

Volvo has previously stated that there are limitations with autobromssystemet, which may depend on, inter alia, snow, ice, and light and poor signage. They do not want to tell you how many reports they have received concerning the autobromsningar. Volvo, however, has not heard of any accidents or incidents due to limitations with autobromssystemet.

newer Volvos with cruise control. If the cruise control is switched on autobromsar some models hard without any apparent reason on the Essingeleden in the northbound direction at the height of the Tomteboda.

DN tried with a Volvo V70 from 2016 and the same thing happened several times in a row. We have received emails from readers who have model XC70, XC60 and V60, but have not heard that the cars from 2018 or later has had this problem.

the Swedish transport administration has in the past received reports of the problem and have examined it on the spot. They did not come up to anything.

Experts from Volvo has looked at DN’s film of the phenomenon, but could not draw any conclusions, writes Annika Bjerstaf in an email.