It is many times about the employees at some of China’s largest and most well-known companies.

Employees is critical to how the company orders them to mandatory overtime or put such pressure on them that they do not like to be able to say no to work extra.

But ”996 – schedule” and the long working hours is defended by some of China’s most well-known business leaders, such as e-handelsjätten alibaba’s founder Jack Ma.

– If you go to Alibaba you should be prepared to work twelve hours a day. Why have you come to Alibaba? We don’t need them which makes it convenient for themselves with eight hours of work, said Jack Ma, according to the comments on alibaba’s account on the social media Wechat on Friday, reports the newspaper The Guardian.

in order to encourage a cut-throat hard working culture.

Richard Liu, founder of the, a different e-commerce companies, too defend ”996-model”. He regrets that the number of ”slackers” in the company has increased and is concerned about what happens if the complaint on working time continues.

– Then there is no hope, and the company will be driven out of the market, ” he said in a comment.

On the platform Github has employees and former employees created a black list which includes 150 technology companies, which also telekomjätten Huawei is with.

continued on the different social media in China, where the debate has moved on what it is for an environment that chinese companies create when the balance between work and leisure time is so skewed.

Some of the companies require and with a worse work schedule than ”996”, described as ”9106” – where the work is going on between nine in the morning and ten at night, six days a week..

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