YouTube, and agriculture have little to do to nothing. Nevertheless, have voted today, the agricultural Ministers of the EU about the new copyright law. The reason is simple.

What are the European Ministers of agriculture have to do with the Reform of the copyright law? Nothing. That’s why have been so far, the colleagues from the legal Department, so the Minister of justice of the EU.

but There is a simple reason for this, but now it is the conference of the Ministers for Agriculture and fishing in Europe, affectionately called “Agri-fish”, and now to the thorny topic of upload filters, and article 13, now article 17, take care of had to. The reform package has come a very long way. It was turned by the Ministers and by the European Parliament. Then there were tough talks between the Commission, the Council of the EU and the European members of Parliament, which lasted for months. In the end a compromise was then, as it is in the European Union.

The schedule decides

This compromise was approved by the Council of the EU Ministers of justice. For Germany, Catherine Barley has consented, and also in the European Parliament, the Reform is, after an unusually heated discussion, and accompanied by public protests, especially in Germany, eventually waved through.

This is the formal decision-making process at the EU level, actually to the end. What was missing was the last of the blessings for the final version of the written text. The is translated in the 24 official languages of the EU which can take. The legislative conclusion must then put a European Council of Ministers and any. Because in terms of content, everything is already said. It would, therefore, be able to be the Minister of the interior or the Minister of Finance, but have their next meetings in may, and the Minister of agriculture came into play. The Agri-fish-Meeting was the last Council of Ministers before the Easter break. Julia Klöckner for Germany in terms of copyright had the last word in Brussels.

Why the EU agriculture Ministers will decide on the new copyright?
Stephan Over the river, SWR, Brussels
15.04.2019 11:36 PM

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Why the EU agriculture Ministers will decide on the new copyright law?, Stephan Over the river, SWR Brussels |audio Atlas |Luxembourg |Luxembourg
