The Democrats have not set a new Deadline for the disclosure of the tax returns of U.S. President Donald Trump . The Handing over of the documents must 23. April, said the democratic Chairman of the tax law to the competent Committee in the house of representatives, Richard Neal, on Saturday, in a Letter to the tax authority, the IRS. A first period of time to 10. April had let the government pass. Minister of Finance, Steven Mnuchin said cautiously.

Should the new deadline not be respected, this would be “as a refusal to my application being interpreted,” warned Neal. He could issue in this case, a so-called Subpoena – a legally-binding request to submit the Material.

Minister of Finance Mnuchin, the tax authority, the IRS, said that the government will respond to the new deadline. He will, however, be no “premature commitment”, the review of an application is completed until then. After the Lapse of the first period, Mnuchin had explained that the audit could not be completed in time. It Constitution would have to be legal questions about the scope of the powers of Congress and the Rights of U.S. citizens.

IRS used as a weapon?

trump’s chief of staff Mick Mulvaney had pointed out in the last week, the Opposition will be able to view “never,” the tax documents of the President. He argued that the voters had chosen Trump 2016 for President, even though they knew he did not want to disclose his tax returns. He accused the Democrats, their call was purely politically motivated.

Also, Mnuchin said on Saturday, the request of the Democrats, could create a precedent that the IRS “is used as a weapon”. Neal replied that it was the responsibility of the IRS or the government to provide the Motivation of the Committee in question. The expressed “concerns” were “without basis”.

Trump as once Nixon

Trump himself had already previously made clear that he wants to put a Handover his / her tax statements to Congress. As already during the election campaign he justified this with a for years, the current tax audit. The IRS stated, however, this is not a problem.

Trump is the first US President since Richard Nixon refused to release his tax returns. There are numerous speculations about his motives. So is gemutmasst among other things, that he wanted to keep certain business activities a secret, or that his fortune was not as large as him. (fal/afp)

Created: 14.04.2019, 11:50 PM