In the northern Spanish city of Bilbao yesterday, riots broke out around a campagnebijeenkomst of the extreme-right party Vox. Protesters who were demonstrating against the controversial party became clashed with the police. There were five people arrested. That report Spanish media.

Left-wing demonstrators tried to the meeting of the party, according the polls in the elections on 28 april from the nothing between thirty and forty seats in the parliament, to prevent. They gathered for the Euskalduna Palace, a conference and events center, where about six hundred sympathizers of Vox gathered for a speech of the party leader, Santiago Abascal. They shouted more slogans like “fascists!” and “Spaniards of both the Italian!”.

The Basque anti-riot police threw for the building was a cordon on. The protesters bekogelden the agents with rocks, bottles and other projectiles, after which the police charges ran with the wapenstok and rubber bullets dropped off.

Earlier in the day, it came to riots between anti-Vox protestors and the police in a partijbijeenkomst of Vox in San Sebastián, the capital of the autonomous region of the Basque country. The nationalist Vox would Spain correctly centralize the powers of the autonomous regions like the Basque country limit. It is also promoting the party among others, for a stricter immigration policy.