One of the probably slowest politijagter ever occurred early Saturday morning between Tønder and Haderslev.

throughout the 40 minutes were followed by a police patrol after a slow-moving tractor, which was reported stolen.

– There was talk about a big tractor with a shovel on the front, so we did not want to provoke a situation where the driver came over into the opposite side of the road and hit some oncoming drivers. So we followed quietly after the man, tells vagtchef Søren Strægaard from South Jutland Police to Ekstra Bladet.

the Notification came after the tractor-the thief had ploughed a piece of guardrail up with the big agricultural machine.

We followed the tractor until the driver turned down a side road. Here he had obviously problems with the gear, the tractor came down in speed, and then one of the ushers to jump up on the footboard. He sprayed pepper spray in the head at the man, who then could be arrested, says Søren Strægaard.

According to the vagtchefen was the arrested person affected while driving. He has no driver’s license, as it has been previously withdrawn.

– Now the man charged for stealing the tractor as well as violated a series of rules in the highway code. He threatened also the one cop with a knife, and the accused he also, of course, enlightens vagtchefen to Ekstra Bladet.

It is still unclear why the man even went out on the tractor.

– We have not yet got him questioned, says vagtchefen.


How crazy it may sound, is traktorflugten tried before – and here in, on a John Deere in Texas; also filmed:

Here you can see the unusual politijagt. Video: KIII

Community – 4. feb. 2019 – at. 18:54 Fleeing from the police in the tractor