After your arrival in the case of YB 2014 you got from them the impression of the world citizen, the fun of travel. Now you stand in front of their sixth season in Switzerland. Became Guillaume Hoarau settled?
I’m sure to become a quiet, brings the age (laughs). But I was Havre four years in Le and still so long in Paris. Okay, China was a short adventure.

And here you have not found something that you had before?
The travelers experienced a lot, he takes all the hits of people. But there are phases in life in which you don’t need to be on the road a lot and still have interesting people from all over the world. So it is with me in Switzerland. Here everything comes together: at work, my Lust for life, friends, family. Bern is a place that’s good for me.

Have they changed since you are there?
I know now what I want in life, I know what is expected of me and how I handle this issue. YB and the city have taken me in from the very first day. That’s why I’m so happy to be able to the people here to give something back.

your contract expires in 2020. For at least a season, 30 to 40 games, again the limbs. It is only with a sense of Fun that drives you in the football ?
I get up every Morning, put on music, sing, and come with joy to Training or to the game. And when the day comes that I don’t like to sing, I know that it is temporary. I’m going to force myself to nothing.

the challenge for The ageing footballer is that he can only be as good as his body allows it.
I am late to become a professional, with 22 first started. Kylian Mbappé with 19 world Champions, no one asks him whether he was too young to do so. In football has shifted the importance of the age enormously, the boys not only the future but also the present. Everything starts earlier, the young bear a lot more responsibility.

it sounds as if the Old have no place anymore.
But, someone has to laugh to show the boy how to do it (). But as soon as I’m all for YB, no reinforcements, I need to stop. Because you have to be brutally honest with each other.

How do you feel Older?
This can make an already anxiety (smiles). You realize it is less to you, but to the people around you are getting older, my parents, my son. It made a “Bang!”, and suddenly, he was 10! There are already moments where I smirked 35 as a pretty old feel (). But that is only because I work as an athlete with such young people.

“Every season, I now attachments, is also a kind of thanks to this game.”

soccer is a success of the business, it comes to the title, to the awards. You describe everything very loose, so relaxed.
I see what I was able to experience through the game of football, anything where I come from everywhere came to it. This is a privilege. And each season, I now attachments, is also a kind of thanks to this game. You have to respect it and enjoy, even if it has long since become a large business.

will be your next contract, not a three-year contract?
to say> Hard (smiles). We will have to wait. I’ve written with a YB story and would like to continue to do so. I still have the pen in Hand (winks).

Is the title of the top scorer of your last big goal?
coming in second place, behind the Well-being of the team. But I’m in a good mood, there is a Chance. And it would be a great satisfaction, after I missed a few more times.

What season is actually crazy – the current or the past? to say
Difficult. Currently, we benefit from everything we achieved last season. We have gained over these months, more and more trust in us, and us improved. Players like Kevin Mbabu, or Djibril Sow have made a tremendous development. There’s a lot that seemed to us most recently from the outside to fall very easily. But this is all part of this development. Without a front season is no current.

And if it is then this season so far – which title was more difficult?
Great Teams, tell all the same: To the top is difficult, the top will remain much more difficult. Even if it acts differently: The success of this season was a lot of hard work.

In the summer, a break, Captain Steve von Bergen takes a step back, the young change, new ones will come. You, as a veteran still more will be demanded.
A house, a solid Foundation needs. But in football you have to rebuild constantly. The challenge to us as well. However, because the players are today promoted so early, you have from a young age, often already a lot of experience. A team is like a family: It takes the parents, and this is a role I’ll gladly accept (smiles).

When they came to Bern in the summer of 2014, you would have thought that you play with YB even Champions League?
Yes! When I looked at the League in Switzerland in more detail and found that two Clubs get the Chance, I thought to myself: we can do This! Anyway, the Champions League was for me a kind of reconciliation.

There was also interest from Lyon, then a fixed Size in the king class. But I opted for Switzerland.

“When I chose Switzerland, I had to prove to the people in France constantly up to something.”

do you Regret sometimes to have it once again in Ligue 1 tried?
football is an adventure, a long journey. And when I was back from this adventure in China, I had first of all, the Desire for rest, for stability. I decided then to Switzerland, I had to prove to the people in France constantly up to something.

I’m not here to enjoy the peace and quiet, but I also want to have success.

And what is the reputation you can enjoy today in France?
I know That. But I am glad that people are interested in there is still for me. I am a regular guest on television, after the victory over Juventus in the Champions League, I received many congratulations from the home. This shows me: The proof is provided.

Now you can play even more football. And then?
I land where the Wind takes me (smiles). At the Moment I am very well here. But I also have a family and friends that influence my life.

you Are the type of trainer that wants to make young players better?
depends. At the Moment, I was not ready for this. I think I’m going to need time for myself as well. As a footballer, you can’t always do what you want. I’m going to do after my career.

The least-footballer can afford, after the career and the retirement.
I also, never. And I’ll definitely look for a task. I respect the career the end.

There are many players that expire after their career into a Depression. Suddenly, the attention is gone, the pressure. And yet, you have to stay in motion. But the music, my second passion makes me. (Berner Zeitung)

Created: 12.04.2019, 21:51 PM