FREDERIKSBERG, denmark (Ekstra Bladet): A greater number of people with a knowledge of both boxing as MMA have been wondering about Patrick Nielsen’s match against Mark O. Madsen.

what the hell has the boxer walk in?

Immediately, it seems hard to the lure, where his opportunities for victory. A kinamand would have more chances.

But watching Patrick Nielsen is not on it. Though he has lost his past two boxing matches, and although he has struggled the last long while to find a promoter who would represent him and who do not have a gloomy past with voldtægtsdomme on the cv, so he refuses to give up.

– I have toyed with the idea of an MMA fight long, and then why not take the best Danish fighting pt.? I bet high, and then we shall see what it brings, he said at Thursday’s news conference and added with a smile, that he in the home has had its share of MMA fights with his brothers, so he doesn’t show up completely without experience.

Patrick Nielsen moves out on unfamiliar terrain, when he will participate in his first MMA fight against Mark O. Madsen. Photo: Thomas Sjørup

He is aware, however, that it is a solid mouthful, waiting 8. June.

– Mark is really strong, and he comes with the background (wrestling, red.) and has fought seven MMA matches. But I have my own advantages. I have so much routine and know how it should be phased out. I have the strong men behind me, who can guide me on the way.

– I am very optimistic and believe that I can win, he said to Ekstra Bladet.

– What is required, before it can happen?

– Hard training and dedication. These are the two options I have.

Patrick Nielsen moves out on unfamiliar terrain, when he will participate in his first MMA fight against Mark O. Madsen. Photo: Thomas Sjørup

He adds, that he has teamed up with coaches from the outside, and that he trains thai boxing, MMA and regular boxing.

– What is your primary motivation?

– I have had an interest for it here in a long time. Now get the opportunity to jump in it. So you know what, so do I it just.

– And the economic aspect. What about it?

– It does not mean so much right now. Right now it is more the interest.

– you Will be able to cope with the war alone against the Mark O. Madsen?

No, there must be more to the. So, it could just as well be a boxing ring. You can always upgrade itself. And it appears I’m always very much looking forward to, he explained.

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