For the first time since the year 2014 the revenues from fines from police automatic traffic control (ATK) declined.

It shows a access of the national Police in the use of fotovogne and stationary speed cameras, also called stærekasser.

Thus it was to 821 million dollars in fines for the speeders from ATK-action last year against 871 million in 2017.

The decreasing amount of the fines received positive with FDM, association of Danish car owners.

It is gratifying, for it suggests that fewer then have been running for strong. And so we would like to commend the police for that fotovognene has been more visible, by, for example, will sign with the possible fartkontrol, says Torben Lund Kudsk, head of the FDM.

the Decline in the revenues from fines comes at the same time with the Danish road directorate has set a total of 20 stærekasser.

Here are the danes the largest speeding fines

A fine sounded in the average of 2262 crowns, when a motorist was blitzet in a fotovogn in Greve Municipality last year. It shows the data from the national Police over police use of fotovogne in the year 2018.

It is the highest in the country, and it could indicate that there will be run ekstrastærkt in the municipality of copenhagen perform.

to get a speeding ticket, which is higher than 2000 crowns, you must run at least 40 percent over the speed limit.

In Nyborg Municipality is running the apparently nicer – here was an average speeding ticket on the lowest nationwide: 1277 crowns.

Here were the average fines most:

1. Greve Municipality: 2262 crowns.

2. Faxe Municipality: 2036 dollars.

3. Solrød Municipality: 1947 crowns.

4. Allerød Municipality: 1915 dollars.

5. Hillerød Municipality: 1762 crowns.

6. Tårnby Municipality: 1736 crowns.

7. Lolland Municipality: 1710 crowns.

8. Skanderborg Municipality: 1675 crowns.

9. Ikast-Brande Municipality: 1673 crowns.

10. Brøndby Municipality: 1633 crowns.

11. Gladsaxe Municipality: 1624 crowns.

12. Haderslev Municipality: 1623 crowns.

13. Sønderborg Municipality: 1613 crowns.

14. Egedal Municipality: 1601 crowns.

15. Langeland Municipality: 1594 crowns.

Source: Data from the national Police over police locations of fotovogne in 2018.

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the Cameras comes from the fotovogne, and therefore is measured button to 11,000 fewer hours with fotovogne last year, compared with 2017.

Count one stærekasserne with, there have, however, been 5365 hour more GNOME-control in 2018.

How the police overall place fotovognene, however, has not changed.

Data from the national Police shows that fotovogne in 2018 held about twice as many hours on the roads, usually referred to as urban compared with rural roads.

It was also the case in 2017.

Urban is generally defined by the road directorate roads, where you have to run 70 kilometers in an hour or less. On a road you must instead run 80 or 90 kilometers an hour.

But the research shows that accidents due to speed far mostly happens on the highways.

Færdselssikkerhedskommissionen concluded in 2013 that 75 percent of fatal accidents where speed is a factor, it happens on the highways.

Here fotovognene printed the most number of fines

the Highways dominate the inventory of where fotovognene in 2018 blitzede most drivers.

There are many who drive too fast on the highway. Anyway, there are very few who are killed and seriously injured.

* In 2017 lost 13 people to life on the highways, while 136 were killed on a road with two tracks. It will often be a road.

* 84 was badly injured on a highway, while the 1224 was badly injured on a road with two tracks.

Here was printed the most fines in 2018:

1. Vestmotorvejen, houston, tx: 33.604 fines, a total of 43,8 million dollars.

2. H. C. Andersen’s Boulevard, Copenhagen: 14.209 fines, a total of 22.9 million dollars.

3. The north jutland Motorway, Randers: 11.300 fines, a total of 14.3 million dollars.

4. Storebæltsbroerne, houston, tx: 10.530 fines, a total of 15.4 million Danish kroner.

5. Åboulevard in Copenhagen: 9139 fines, in total 14.1 million.

6. Nørre Allé, Copenhagen: 8330 fines, 12.3 million dollars.

7. The øresund motorway, Tårnby: 7584 fines, a total of 13,1 million.

8. Helsingørmotorvejen, Rudersdal: 7104 fines, a total of 9.3 million dollars.

9. Sydmotorvejen, Vordingborg: 6116 fines, a total of 8.8 million crowns.

10. Holbækmotorvejen, Høje-Taastrup: 5994 fines, a total of 7,9 million dollars.

Sources: Statistics Denmark, data for the use by the police fotovogne of the national Police.

In the cities, on the other hand, most often, far more traffic and therefore the ability to control several users.

Police focus on roads with low speed limits amazes Torben Lund Kudsk.

– In the town due to the accidents most often vigepligtsforseelser. And a fotovogn does not help in krydsulykker, where you rarely drive over 50 kilometres an hour.

– We think it is too bad that the scarce resources to fartkontrol be used in the way. For there is no doubt that fotovognene can increase road safety.

– Therefore, we call on the police to use them as efficiently as possible, and it is on the highways, that an overwhelmingly large proportion of the serious accidents occur, says Torben Lund Kudsk.

The municipality with the clearly highest control pressure is Copenhagen. Here kept fotovogne with the flash ready in the overall 5011 hours. In second place is Aalborg with 2623 hours.

Extra Magazine wrote in december to the Copenhagen Police, in his trafiksikkerhedsanalyse in 2017, estimated that “the car speed is not a frequent cause of traffic accidents in Copenhagen”.

the national Police, which is responsible for the DOCUMENTATION efforts, have not wanted to run up to the interview.

After transmission of the three questions inform the Police that the first answer skrifteligt within one to two weeks.