the Founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, was on Thursday arrested by the british police, after he in barely six years, has stayed in Ecuador’s embassy in London.

the British had been invited into the embassy after Ecuador had repealed it is also important to asylum.

Much to suggest now that Assange has been something of a mouthful for the staff at the embassy.

In any case, langer Ecuador’s president now out violently after WikiLeaks founder.

– You can not arrive to a house that is hot in towards you, gives you food and take care of you, so to begin to condemn the house’s owner, says Ecuadorian president Lenin Moreno, according to Bloomberg, adding:

– We have removed the spoiled møgunges asylum and we are – thankfully – come of with a thorn in the eye.

Community – 12. apr. 2019 – at. 05:26 Swede close on Assange’s arrest

According to Ecuador’s minister of the interior is the criticism is far from unfounded.

– Under the previous president Rafael Correa tolerated the (embassy, ed.) things from hr. Assange, who smeared the feces on the embassy’s walls and other forms of behaviour that are far from the minimum of the respect a guest should have for a country that generously welcomed him, says Maria Paula Romo, according to british The Sun.

Julian Assange has been staying at the embassy since the summer of 2012. In 2010, he came, and the organization Wikileaks on everyone’s lips when internetaktivisterne published around 90,000 secret documents.

the Majority of the documents, american documents from the war in Afghanistan. A few months later end up nearly 400,000 classified documents from the Iraq war by Wikileaks.

Shortly after the leak, Julian Assange is wanted by Swedish police. He is suspected of having committed rape and sexual assault against two Swedish women during a stay in Sweden in the summer of 2010.

Society – 11. apr. 2019 – at. 18:28 Women have come forward: Re-open voldtægtssag against Assange

Australian arrested in december 2010 by british police in London, but released on bail after a week. A process on the possible extradition to Sweden begins.

In February 2011, deciding a court in London that Assange can be extradited to Sweden. The order appealed against. Assange fears that the Swedish authorities will extradite him to the UNITED states. Udleveringsordren upheld by the uk supreme court in may 2012.

The get Julian Assange to seek refuge at Ecuador’s embassy in London in June 2012. Here staying he to his arrest Thursday.