the Danish people’s fiskeriordfører, Ib Poulsen, sharpens according to the Berlingske tidende, now the tone of the fisheries minister Eva Kjer Hansen (V).

According to the newspaper have the Ib Poulsen in an e-mail on Thursday morning refused to appear for a follow-up meeting in the case of muslingefiskeri. At the same time he is stumbling near to express distrust to the minister.

It’s Berlingske, which has uncovered how the authorities in a number of years has given some of the country’s largest muslingefiskere unique access to fish in the great belt.

Fishermen have, according to the newspaper, apparently, just been able to call government officials and get access to the catches.

The extra muslingefangster is given through a so-called exploratory, as in several months at a time has given Denmark’s largest muslingefiskere the opportunity to catch mussels in selected areas.

Ib Poulsen has criticized that fiskeriordførerne first has been informed on the matter last week, after George had contacted Eva Kjer Hansen’s ministry.

At the consultation on Wednesday kept the Eva Kjer Hansen settled in, that she has handled the aftermath of the book. It sparked great discontent among a political majority. Especially the Danish people’s Party and the Social democratic party believes that fiskeriministeren have a large forklaringsproblem.

the Minister sought Wednesday afternoon to get a further dialogue on the matter. She convened a discussion of the ‘basic principles for exploratory fisheries’.

But in an e-mail to the minister writing Ib Poulsen, according to Berlingske that he can not ‘see any reason to meet, until after an election, where hopefully another minister, who I can trust on this subject’.

In an in-depth interview with Berlingske states Ib Poulsen, that he can’t accept that Eva Kjer Hansen let off with a nose in the form of a critical report.

He refers to the Danish Parliament as late as in February this year gave fiskeriministeren harsh criticism for delaying the legislation targeted against the country’s largest muslingefiskere.

Then said the Danish people’s Party, that the minister got the yellow card. The message was that she automatically – if it happened – could look forward to a fyreseddel.

– After the conciliation, may I just say, that we can not give her one to the critical report. Especially not when we already have said, that she next time get the red card, says Ib Poulsen.

however, It is up to the DF’s management to determine whether the storm in the muslingesagen must be so powerful that Eva Kjer Hansen kuldsejler.

During the fiskeriordfører, Simon Kollerup, says to the news agency Ritzau:

– Great praise for the Danish people’s Party in order to stand firm against Eva Kjer Hansen. She is a minister, who has withheld information to the Parliament and kept the Parliament out of the key decisions in the fisheries sector, says Simon Kollerup.

He calls the matter ‘extremely serious’. But he stresses that it is the Danish people’s Party, as it determines whether Eva Kjer Hansen could be sitting as a minister.

the Nose on the way to the minister for fisheries for noel with oysters,