Shila Iqbal to apologize for racist tviittiään.Shila Iqbal recalls that she tweeted a racist message when he was 19 years old. David Fisher/REX

Emmerdale star Shila Iqbal was fired, when her six years ago she wrote a Twitter message went up again to the public.

the Message when he wrote he was 19 years old. Racist to characterize in a message when he used the N-word.

Maynard has recently started a Emmerdalessa. Just a few weeks ago, his character, his tenure was.

in the End the past the message I got at the time that the tv bosses fired him.

Read Shilan apology word for word:

I’m very sorry, and I take full responsibility for the fact that I was using very inappropriate language. I have paid for this mistake the price, I will no longer continue in my job which I love the most.

in any case, when I was tweeting about, I was young. Still it was very wrong and I apologize most sincerely.

I’ve been getting hateful messages about that because I am a muslim, the role of my job Emmerdalessa has been sinful, and it has promoted sin, and in addition to the role my job has been the Quran.

our Lives now sensitive periods in various communities. In particular, many cultural Rochdalessa, where I grew up.

I’m sorry about that also I have used such language, albeit six years ago.

I, like everyone else need to take responsibility for its language, whether it’s on social media or face-to-face discussions.