“The president of Sudan depart”

“the Protests in Sudan against president Omar al-Bashir has been going on for months.”

“”It has fallen, we’ve won”, chanting ‘ in the capital Khartoum, according to Reuters news agency.”

“Thousands of people have in recent days congregated outside militärhögkvarteret in the capital Khartoum.”

“Now, recite the, according to the Reuters news agency:”

“the Protests began in december 2018, when the price of bread tripled after livsmedelssubventionerna been abolished. Then, the country had already had a deficit of bread in weeks.”

“In just a few days spread the protests, and the slogan was ”freedom, peace, justice”. “

“About 49 people have been killed since the protests began, the head of al-Jazeera. “

“the President of sudan, Omar al-Bashir, who ruled the country for nearly 30 years and, among other things, been indicted at the international criminal court in the Hague for the genocide in the Darfur region in 2003, promised quick reforms, but the protests continued. In the week they began to march towards the presidential palace and a sittstrejk started. “

“Early this morning the head of the sudanese army to an important statement was at the time. Several news agencies have reported that the president resigned.”

“The whole thing can also move about a military coup, sources said to Reuters that al-Bashir should be under house arrest. “