Therefore, she loathes her Lannister sit on the Järntronen she loathes her Lannister (Lena Headey) Photo: HBO

I feel like she loathes her Lannister so that you unfortunately can feel for a so-called close to the beach guy. I’m the only one who understands her. Deep down inside she wants to well. If only I had the chance I would be able to save her.

But in order to not risk beheading in the town square for kardinalsynden urbota stupidity forced I well admit that the idea she loathes her on the Järntronen is more a pipe dream than a realistic end for ”Game of thrones”. She loathes her Lannister – married to king Robert Baratheon, lover of tvillingbrodern Jaime Lannister, the mother of three gyllenblonda (and now dead) illegitimate offspring – are enough, despite the series ‘ stated ambition to turn up and down on evil and good, for the evil to end up as the winner.

Certainly, she sits already on the Järntronen, as the first drottningregenten in Westeros (yas, queen, slay). But for how long? Element are biding their time in every corner of the empire, and there is a new, younger and more beautiful, the incestuous couple in town.

she decided to keep the incomprehensible pottfrisyr that she was the face of his famous gottgörelsegång through the King’s Landing may be happened. A Lannister always pays his debts, and I have been faithful to the last.

/Greta Thurfjell

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Therefore, Brandon Strong to sit on the Järntronen Brandon Strong Photo: HBO

In the very first episode that aired so long ago that the upcoming winter was just an extra bite in the breeze and the Bottom was still strong, sweeping the camera over Winterfell and the first thing we see is Brandon.

He spans an arc towards a fitness goals – shoots and misses. He span again, and misses. His older brothers laugh at him, everyone laughs and then we know: this is the hero. It is a classic fantasy-revanchism, designed for us that was never selected first – and even if the series by its scope, its violence (174,373 dead so far, according to one of several calculations) and its way to take the life even of the well-liked main characters wanted to be something different, the narrative, particularly in season seven, has become more and more traditionally. A great, bittersweet ending (yes, Jon and/or Dany have to be sacrificed) learn to stand on the bloody menu – after the second-youngest Starkbroderns mysterious link to Nattkungen uncovered.

Later in the first section falls Bran from high altitude and with a nice cirkelkomposition he learns thus, 72 section later, to climb all the way up to Järntronen. As he himself says, with a quote by Lord Baelish: ”Chaos is a ladder.” In addition, he is the major character most in need of a chair.

/Harald Bergius

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Therefore, Arya Stark sitting on the Järntronen Arya Stark Photo: HBO

To end a series like ”Game of thrones” in a way that feels both true to the series ‘ soul, and meets a minimum level of logic, is certainly not a simple task. The series has mainly been known for three things: to take the life of characters here and there without notice, to refuse the black-and-white solutions, and a generosity with incestuous relationships. I’m just going on a possible ending that satisfies all the requirements, and it is the following:

The final battle unfolds, Jon slays Nattkungen, Daenerys kills the ice dragon, the tu united despite aunt/brorsonrelation in a tender kiss. Common defeats the she loathes her though sadly dies Daenerys in unclear circumstances on the way. A sorgtyngd Jon does his duty and takes Järntronen.

But, in the very, very last scene: cut to a crypt where jon’s dead and skinned body is! Aha! In fact, it is Arya who has realized that Jon is too emotional and Daenerys for the tyrannical to control, killed them both, and that the hamnskiftande the Faceless Man she is, she has stolen jon’s face and plan to pretend to be he the rest of life.

/Hanna Fahl

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Therefore, Samwell Tarly sitting on the Järntronen Samwell Tarly Photo: HBO

most of Westeros element is a fanatic, blodshämnare, intriganter, ptsd:are and/or plain and simple crazy. But behind them are often consultants with a significantly lower profile. The unswervingly loyal Jorah Mormont, for example, and Davos Seaworth – ”Lökriddaren” – which manages to retain its moral stature despite vidrigheterna he is forced to accept.

And so we have Samwell Tarly: the hideously bullied intellectual who is suffering with a quiet hundblick and finally become a librarian in the scholars of the Citadel where he may sneak their way in order to be able to improve the world in spite of the academic institution’s conservatism and intrigue.

Author George R R Martin, whose books are the basis for the series, has admitted that Samwell is the of all the characters that stands next him. Of course we will get to see Samwell Tarly on Järntronen, even if it probably may be converted to a daybed, or sofa, when Westeros realize that whether drakonomi or barbarism is the governance that leads forward. He may well have Mormont and Davos in the järnsoffan.

/Jonas Thente

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Therefore, will Jon Snow to sit on the Järntronen Jon Snow Photo: HBO

I had loved about George R R Martin ran a religionshäcklande line in the goal and let Melisandre – as in one of the series ‘ darkest passages convinced Stannis to burn her daughter at the stake entirely in vain – and her prophecies burn inside. It would also be typical of Martin to reward political cunning (she loathes her or Sansa), but such a large history can reasonably’t abandon their mythology of the last act.

”the prince that was promised”, the promised reincarnation of a warrior who drove out the undead by the winter raged on, shall be grounded in the Targaryens bloodline, there are only two names in the tombolan now: Daenerys main differences and Jon Snow, the latter also known as Daenerys nephew Aegon main differences after the seventh season, revealing. The only thing I feel sure of is that the one who ascends the Järntronen will do it with a drooping posture. There will be no sunny ”the Lord of the rings”-the end of the year. The throne will require a sacrifice of the heartbreaking variety, and I fear that the incestuous romance between Jon and Daenerys is the bridge there. And it ends with a damoffer.

/Andrev Walden

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Therefore, will Tyrion Lannister to sit on the Järntronen Tyrion Lannister Photo: HBO

one thing at A time. Must first Nattkungen and his zombiearmé be defeated – then you can (maybe) Järntronen ingested. And yes, it will hurt. The word bittersweet has of George R R Martin himself mentioned in the context, but what does it mean? Maybe to Jon Snow in his fight against the apocalypse are forced to sacrifice his beloved aunt Daenerys main differences (as an ancient prophecy suggests). Even if he then, with his Targaryenblod – can legitimately claim the throne, he will neither want to or be able.

the leader’s Jersey lands then, of course, Tyrion lannister, the queen’s hand, and – should it appear – he, too, a main differences.

Yes, indeed it is. Tyrions mother died in childbirth (just like Daenerys and jon’s) and he is the only one (besides Daenerys and Jon) who touched the dragons and survived. Dad Tywins last words, ”you are not my son”, can also refer to the rumor about Aerys ”The mad king” Targaryens nightly visits of Tyrions mother.

Tyrions crooked journey from the alcoholic womanizer to the Westeros most strategically gifted advisor has not been in vain. It will not people to think, even when he was well on the throne presents Westeros for representative democracy. That vary’s once said: ”Even a short man can cast a very long shadow.”

/Emma Stenvall

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Therefore, will Daenerys main differences to sit on the Järntronen Daenerys main differences Photo: Supplied by LMK

After intrigerat, spied and murdered, strikes Tyrion Lannister and Lord vary’s repeatedly in the series down and and cuddle over a glass of wine. They agree that they have done their dirty job for the people’s best. They would have been able to be a fool and the gravedigger in a Shakespearepjäs but resonate as two modern students of political science. And both have come to the conclusion that Daenerys main differences are a sufficiently enlightened despot in order to be worthy of their care.

George R R Martin started the fight for the throne in a nihilistiskt or at least Machiavelliskt war of all against all, but as the tv animation artists took over the narrative has our time managementlitteratur begun to permeate the power games; When the boss to release their slaves, they are struggling better.

On HBO-the people follow their own meritokratiska logic sits Drakdrottningen on the throne at last. Most of us democratically schooled souls will probably be happiest then. She is the one who reminds us most about the Swedish monarchy (think crown princess rather than king).

But get George R R Martin’s original breach of dramatikens laws of control, it may be Nattkungen who ascends the throne – a decidedly more challenging resolution.

/Torbjörn Ivarsson

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