In a new interview with Vogue in the UNITED states has the known potential to Kim Kardashian stated that she is right now studying law to become a lawyer.
She expects to take his exam in 2022.
In the interview she explains that she started the training last summer, where she was an intern in a law firm in San Francisco.
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California has a law that makes that you can become a lawyer without studying in a school. You just need to had been an intern at a lawyer or judge.
Kim Kardashian decided to pursue his dream of becoming a lawyer, after she managed to free Alice Marie Johnson from jail, after she had talked with the president of the Trump.
She has previously stated that it was nice to be heard in the matter, and that she had the opportunity to go with the ‘humane’ arguments for Alice Marie Johnson’s acquittal, but she would like to know more, so she could use the law as an argument.
The toughest to become a lawyer for the 38-year-old mother of three has been all the reading.
– It is all the substance that really takes on me. It simply takes so long time, because there is so much. But I understand it all quickly, as she told in the interview.
Kim Kardashian is the daughter of Robert Kardashian, who was defense lawyer for O. J Simpson in his trial.
Kim has previously indicated that she owes much of her interest in law to his father, who often let her rummage in his things in the office and always gave her an interest in learning about the law.