After the decision of Brexit-shift, US President, Donald Trump has criticized the EU for its conduct towards great Britain. “Too bad that the European Union should treat strictly with the United Kingdom and Brexit,” wrote Trump on Thursday on Twitter.

Previously, had been agreed by the EU and the UK, in the night in Brussels on the 31. October as the new Brexit-date. In this “flexible” extension of an earlier exit is possible. London also has up to this point, the possibility of Brexit cancel.

It is the second postponement of the Brexit. Originally the United Kingdom on the 29. March escape to. Shortly before that, the date was on the 12. April moved. Without agreement on a further postponement would be threatened on Friday to a disorderly Brexit. The British Parliament is in the Brexit question deeply divided and could not agree on an exit agreement.

Despite the granted extension of the deadline for the U.S. President to handle the EU in his Tweet. Of the States of the composite was also compared to the United States a “brutal trade partner,” said Trump. That will change, however. “Sometimes you have to let people come to breath before it all comes back and haunt,” he added.

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an extension to the Brexit, The EU embarks on thin ice

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The US to order-President) of the EU on Tuesday, with penalty duties in the amount of eleven billion dollars (EUR 9.75 billion because of their subsidies for aircraft manufacturer Airbus threatened. The US and the EU argue already for one and a half decades, over state aid for aircraft manufacturers. (AFP)