The EU is again in crisis-summit-mode reached. The politically paralyzed United Kingdom has imposed by Brussels. If the heads of state and government of the EU meet in the evening in Brussels, the currently valid exit date on Friday, at 0 a.m., Central European time, only a few hours. And if the EU-27 until then does not come to a unanimous decision, it will be not regulated, but a chaotic exit.

But no one wants that. As the Sherpas of the “Chefs” will meet the evening before and on the draft of the summit document, negotiate, is already in the formulation , which should point the way out of the cul-de-SAC of an imminent hard Brexit: In the document it is stated that “such an extension will only last as long as is absolutely necessary, but in any case not longer than …..” And then multiple X-sequences of characters in square brackets. The heads of state and government just need to fill in the appropriate date.

Also of France Emmanuel Macron, the creates a tough stance on the day and the British sooner rather than later, the EU would like to know, has apparently yielded to the Insistence of the German Chancellor. Angela Merkel considers that it is absolutely irresponsible to risk a hard Brexit. Merkel is determined to negotiate, if necessary, up to the last Minute for a further extension of the deadline. In the Bundestag she says before your flight to Brussels: “I advocate that there is an extension for several months, but with the Option of immediate resignation of the UK.”

Also you know from the last Meeting, when it came to the first extension: Multiple variants are in the conversation. The British Prime Minister Theresa May has more time to 30. June asked.

EU Commission President Donald Tusk power, however, to grant London a flexible extension. The British should agree to under the house to the exit a contract one day and the document, ratify it, would be the end of EU membership automatically. In his invitation letter to the heads of state and government called Tusk, there is no concrete date. He advertises for his proposal: the peaks of the spare might be in a number of Crisis, as no one could foresee when the British decide to exit the contract.

Should remain the British continue to be in political paralysis, but you should have the Chance to rethink their “Brexit strategy”. So Tusk says: London could hold a new Referendum and the withdrawal of the request to withdraw.

three displacement scenarios

to be Discussed by the three displacement scenarios: first, the British off the end of the year. to be Discussed Secondly, you come to the end of March 2020, probably there is a new Commission. Thirdly, you come to the end of 2020, the multi-year budgetary period of the EU expires, the withdrawal of the British would be so, if in any case, a turning point in the EU is pending budget.

In all these scenarios, the British would have to participate in the European elections in may. They would again send representatives to the next Parliament. The view, to have the British back in Strasbourg and Brussels when the new Parliament comes together, it repels a lot of.

“Some of you have made reservations,” writes-because, Tusk, “that the continued presence of the United Kingdom leaving the EU-the country” constituted a risk for the functioning of the EU. And the in a Phase, since important decisions to make. Tusk requires a number of guarantees, for instance, that no British influence on future EU decisions such as the choice of the next President of the Commission and the next EU multiannual financial framework. In addition, the termination agreement should not be re-opened.

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EU seeks a long period of time to be afraid of series of short Brexit-shifts and crisis summit

Albrecht Meier

It is the question of how to practically go. No one can dictate to an elected member, how he has to vote. Far-fetched is it that a British member of the EU torpedo decisions. The advocates of a hard-Brexit, Jacob Rees-Mogg, threatens to be about the same. Brussels must avoid, to the Chaos of the British policy of Contracting the disease: Therefore, the draft for the summit document stipulates that the country is automatically out of the EU on 1. June leaves should not take place in the European elections, for whatever reason. That’s for sure.