A piece of Frederiksberg history must let the life of new initiatives.

It has been decided at the theatre Aveny-T.

The well-known café Kellerdirk, which has its roots far back in Frederiksberg, should no longer be a part of Aveny-T. the Cafe to be torn down, so you can get a new extension, which will help the theatre to become ‘a powerhouse for ungekulturen’, it writes the Berlingske tidende, which have been in contact with director Jon Stephensen.

the Plans have long been underway, and now you have finally got the funding that was needed to make room for the new addition.

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Linda Johansen

Linda Johansen

The A. P. Møller Foundation and the city of Frederiksberg, which have poured money into the project. Respectively ten and fifteen million dollars is collected in order to make the new building a reality.

Since 1982, the cafe has been the place where many faithful run have had their time before and after the show, but it’s over now.

Jon Stephensen and Simon Aggesen says to Berlingske that they are good at, it can get to cut some of the faithful cafégæster in the heart, but he still have new opportunities.

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Linda Johansen

the building where The Kellerdrik holder for today, will be tired. I know that the new is going to give something good back to the city. But we are of course very attentive to listen to and involve the neighbors, says Simon Aggesen the newly elected conservative mayor of the city.

Ekstra Bladet has tried to get a comment from Jon Stephensen, but he has not returned.