“The red line for the world of media”

“This is a kulturartikel which is a part of Aftonbladet’s opinionsjournalistik.”

“Agneta Norberg, 82 years old from Västerbotten, one of Sweden’s most renowned peace activists. In the sixty years she has been protesting against the war. She has been arrested at five military bases worldwide, most recently in Lulea, sweden, 2015 against the Nato-exercise. She has lectured on the game behind the contemporary renovation and received a number of prizes. Is there anyone who can do a lot about the arms industry, it is she.”

“But for Svenska Dagbladet’s series ”The polarised debate” was Agneta Norberg for the controversial. After that Stina Oscarson interviewed her and finished writing his text, she was told that it would not be published. Oscarson says that the management believed that war ”is not one of our time’s great conflict”, and that Norberg gave ”many of the tasks in the questions the editors do not have the knowledge in the”.”

“nEn peace activist became too much for the intervjuserie launched with the words ”we must be able to meet the dissidents” and ”dialogue as an antidote to violence”.”

“Very controversial, however, was Katerina Janouch, Chang Frick and Lars Vilks.”

“To sit and boast about that you want to take up arms and defend themselves against immigration, as Janouch do – it will do, but not tell you about the great powers of upprustningsplaner.”

“There’s something weird with our time, the notion of freedom of expression. It has only one opening: to the right”

“the Remains of this yttrandefrihetsserie was, therefore, three invandringsmotståndare and a muslim, a feminist and a human rights activist. The limit of which may be heard seem to go at about the green Party – to the left of them is the stop.”

“nOch in the case of substances that may be discussed is apparently only one. For in all the interviews is a key issue and it is immigration – even when the Oscarson interview kriminologen Nina Rung, a specialist in men’s violence against women.”

“This all shows that there is something weird with our time, the notion of freedom of expression. It has only one opening: to the right. To the left is the hermetically sealed. We have a bourgeois public sphere which flatters itself with the belief on conversations with controversial people, but that only refers to the extreme right. The okunnigare, the better, and any time it is kicked down in the class hierarchy – but what for god’s sake never storpolitiken!”

“Just the same thought has already given rise to a fifty identical calls between the journalists and the extreme right. Compare David’s text on Today’s News kultursida 2017: ”talk with the nazis?” These calls follow a specific pattern: the journalist’s tone is deferential, the nazi blajar on, no real dialogue takes place, you learn nothing except what nazistens opinions are, which you already knew, and that the journalist seems animated by his own magnanimity.”

“nVad we are really witnessing is the creation of a double discourse, where the extreme right is legitimized at the same time as it consolidated itself as controversial. It is emphasised again and again that here we have something dangerous! Here we have the opposition! Jättehemsk! If you want to be edgy, it is u002Fu002Fså häru002Fu002F you will enjoy! And the journalist gets a reputation as a good democrat.”

“talking To a communist, however, provides no godhetspoäng for journalists, on the contrary. It is seen rather as inappropriate – she must be a communist! Yikes! This will obviously not be any dialogue, and not by anarchists, primitivists, or the valiant fackföreningskämpar either. No they are not, we have not heard them, we didn’t want to hear about them either! For this, there are often knowledgeable people who can tell you something about how society works and then it gets scary for real. Oscarson tells me that she really has got to feel where the line is.”

“But if freedom of expression is not also means to be allowed to criticize the economic and military power, is there no freedom of expression to speak of. Svenska Dagbladet – if you mean something with dialogue: let the interview with Agneta Norberg!”