Now there are three black registers. The administrative investigation of the affair around waste disposal and Recycling Zurich (ERZ) has collections of more secret Money in the disposal office. So there had been a cashier in the Directorate, one of the workshop establishments and the grill team Hagen wood. They belonged to the “DNA of ORE” and would all exceed the frame of “real coffee funds by Far,” said the report, which the lawyer Tomas Poledna in the order of the city Council, has written.

The money in these funds would not actually heard in the ORE-financial budget, there it appeared. The “coffee Fund,” the Workshops consisted of a postal cheque account and a cash Fund, which contained typically around 20’000 Swiss francs. The responsible and filled it with money, Material, metal, and vehicle sales. Have spent for staff events and employee gifts.

The grill team Hagen wood formed after the conversion of the sedimentation tanks at Werdhölzli to a leisure area with barbecue places. It operated as a party service for internal and external events. Alone in the year 2016, the grill team, 45 took a’000 Swiss francs. The revenue generated Redeem it with the Catering and from the sale of ORE property. “Total were used from the urban means 13’847 francs, the grill team, this is as “recognition and support””, in Poledna report.

The modified clarifiers: a fish pond with a floating open-air meeting room. Image: Green city of Zurich

The grill team acted openly, in the staff restaurant in Hagen wood, it had a space of their own. The Strange is, according to the report that the leadership team in Werdhölzli apparently knew from the economies of the grill team, also ORE-cadre employees supported the Goings-on.

Paulis’s predecessor bought BMW X3

This is, apparently, symptomatic of the then prevailing culture in the case of ORE : In a search of the offices of the former Director, Urs Pauli in may 2017, the authorities found the first black cashier and seized Envelopes with a total of 215’564 Swiss francs, which led to Paulis immediate dismissal. This only shortly after he was released, among other things because of its 381-HP, and over 100’000 Swiss francs expensive company car.

The report shows that the predecessor of Urs Pauli, Gottfried Neuhold, obtained in 2008, a 79’360 francs expensive BMW X3 as a company car. Only about three months before he gave up his office and in the Status of a consultant moved on. As a consultant he was employed for about three years, had he according to Poledna “, neither work reports nor any other evidence of his activity”. One reason for this high-priced vehicle, will not be “seen”. And Neither Paulis 381 HP strong BMW Neuholds X3 nor the other service cars of the Executive Board “with the legal foundations of the city of Zurich to be compatible”, it means more. As Paulis predecessor ORE left, he bought his service car, apparently, at a symbolic price of 5 francs.

About 300’000 Swiss francs in 14 years

vehicle sales in the black cash of the Directorate was fed. So, the persons responsible generated over 14 years, 323’578 Swiss francs. Who knew of the Fund, remains after Polednas report is unclear. Paulis predecessor, claimed in the investigation that the former TED-Dean Martin Waser (SP) didn’t know about the black cashier. These allegations could not be substantiated. It is confirmed that water carts yourself is a ORE-bar had bought, he had but assumed that the purchase had been correctly recorded.

excerpt from the investigation report. To Enlarge, please click here.

Also, members of the Executive Board purchased vehicles from ORE. Whether these people were favored, could not be reconstructed, writes Poledna. Because you do not know in what condition the vehicles at the time of the sale of goods. He portrays but also the following case: A member of the Executive Board, bought in 2013, apparently, a VW Touran for 555 francs (Born in 2009, original price of about 40’000 Swiss francs). For so little money, the car would have been “virtually fit for the scrap heap,” writes Poledna.

Pauli himself said, according to the report, the city of Zurich had not been harmed, since the money was always found in the ORE.

The operations in and around the black funds would draw a gloomy picture, concludes Poledna in the report. But it was an image that fit in numerous operations around the management of the ORE, “and only in the obvious audacity of the operation is striking”. The city Council today announced that the three black funds had been resolved, the appropriate criminal investigations of the Prosecutor’s office were in the hallway. According to the Zurich Prosecutor’s office is investigating eight people, in the framework of the ORE scandal. (Tages-Anzeiger)

Created: 10.04.2019, 13:30 PM