Two members of the now banned gang Loyal to Familia has just been sentenced to life imprisonment for a murder and two attempted murder committed during the conflict with rivals from the Brothas-gang in 2017.

the Verdict has just fallen by a jury in Copenhagen city Court, which earlier in the day, they knew two LTF members 19 and 23 years old, guilty. Their names may not be disclosed, the court decided.

They were also sentenced for the gang-paragraph 81a, which doubles the penalty when a crime is committed during an armed gang-related conflict. The copenhagen city Court found it proven that the shooting happened as part of the conflict between the LTF and the Brothas.

the Shooting happened 9. november 2017 at a car park in Mjølnerparken, where the 22-year-old Ghassan Ali Hussein sat in a car with two friends.

The 22-year-old was hit by six of the seven shots that were fired at the car. He got the fatal shots in the head and back. Photo. Kenneth Meyer

LTFerne was driving a stolen PGO moped and fired seven gun-shots at the car. Ghassan Ali Hussein was hit by six shots, including a shot in the head and four shots in the back and was killed.

His 19-year-old cousin, KH, was hit by a strejfskud in the left arm while the third man, KB, fled out of the car, while it was shot, and he escaped unharmed.

the Killers drove the moped to a green area by Strødamsvej, where the moped was left behind, and the two LTFere was picked up by an unknown person in a white Toyota Avensis, which was rented in Sweden.

– It is a carefully planned killing. You are running into, the jumps of a moped and the firing of shots toward the car. It is a liquidation. There are no mitigating circumstances in the case, said senior prosecutor Line Steffensen in its procedure.

The two convicts appealed immediately judgment to the acquittal. Ghassan Ali Hussein’s parents each received dkk 100,000. in the reimbursement. The killed sister was, according to the Ekstra information to present at sentencing. She was dressed entirely in black.

After the verdict required the defenders, that the two convicts should continue to be protected by navneforbud during an appeal. One defender said in court that it would be dangerous for his client to sit in custody if his name comes out.

the Court granted the mao desire, so the media must continue to not disclose the names of the two livstidsdømte.

Several listeners came by and greeted the one offender, who beat themselves on the chest with clenched fist as a greeting.

Drabssagen is run over a number of days in court since January, and the burden of proof, has covered witnesses.

Today’s ruling fell in the courtroom 27 in the Copenhagen city Court, which are not intended to nævningesager. It meant more listeners, which was not the family or the press, was rejected, because the room might not accommodate so many people out of consideration for fire safety.

the 112 – 11. nov. 2017 – at. 11:31 Family hit hard: Two sons have now been killed

the Police have previously had three other LTFere in custody which were aimed to be obtained and run flugtbilen that combined the two killers up. But the police had to release them and drop charges.

– We can not prove who drove flugtbilen. Therefore, the charges dropped, senior prosecutor Line Steffensen previously said to Ekstra Bladet.