The british supermarket chain Waitrose has apologised for their easter-ducklings in chocolate, they recently sent on the market in a neat transparent plastic containers with three chocolate-ducklings in each. A light brown duckling in milk chocolate, a white duckling in white chocolate as well as a black duckling in dark chocolate. Chocolate-ducklings also had a name and was called, respectively, ‘Crispy’, ‘Fluffy’ and ‘Ugly’.

the last of The black duckling in the dark chocolate had, incidentally, got its name as an inspiration from the famous Danish author H. C. Andersen’s popular fairy tale ‘The Ugly Duckling’. And it was just the black ‘ugly duckling’ in dark chocolate, which got more customers to accuse the Waitrose to be racist.

It writes multiple media including The Telegraph and Independent

A customer placed f.example the following lookups out on Twitter, where she wrote the following:

‘Crisp’, ‘Airy’ and ‘Grim’ – a trio of easter-ducklings from Waitrose. ‘Grim’ is the dark to the right. I heard a woman say ‘This is not right’. I agree. It does not look good. There are thousand of other options. Why ‘Ugly’???.

So writes the woman with easily hidden allusion to, that it is racist to call the dark duckling ‘Ugly’, because it might supposedly might offend people with dark skin.’

Several other customers also pointed to the social media that the dark duckling by the name of ‘Ugly’ is an expression of racism.

A customer wrote: ‘of Course, knew Waitrose, that people would be offended by it here.’

After a long series of similar comments, complaining about racism, and decided to Waitrose to remove easter-ducklings in chocolate temporarily from the market. So they began to design new packaging for chocolate ducklings, which had now made sure to remove ællingernes names, so no one had to feel violated. And now the ‘new’ chocolate-ducklings back on the shelves and ready for Easter.

A spokesperson from Waitrose has commented on the matter thus:

– We are very sorry if we have offended anyone in connection with the name of this product. It has been in no way our intention to annoy anyone. We removed products from our market a few weeks ago. And now, we have changed the packaging for our chocolate ducks, who now is back on the shelves.

But there are at least as many customers, who have expressed anger over, to supermarkedskæden Waitrose has removed the original chocolate-ducklings from the shelves, because they have allowed themselves to be influenced by an extreme, exaggerated form of political correctness.

A customer wrote:

‘I laugh out loud. Waitrose removes easter-ducklings being called ‘Ugly’ because it is racist. Who have at all the time and the desire to complain about such a thing’.

another wrote:

‘Political correctness has once again become crazy. Once again.’

And a third wrote:

‘Why is it racist. It is three different types of chocolate. Waitrose are doing it all much worse by bending down in fear of being accused of racism’.

The three chocolate-ducklings are now sold without names for a total price of approx. 70 dollars, so no one now has the opportunity to feel aggrieved over the black ugly duckling in dark chocolate.

How, it now appears, when you buy the three Easter-ducklings in chocolate. Their names are removed. (Photo: Waitrose)