“M on the budget: the Incomprehensible cuts”

“the Moderates is critical to the government’s cutbacks.”

“– It is incomprehensible how the government can cut in both police, elderly care and psychiatry, says the party’s spokesperson Elisabeth Svantesson (M).”

“She criticizes the government for not making the reforms needed to meet the coming recession.”

“– There are problems with long-term unemployment increases in spite of a great economic boom. When it turns the will of the people to get the most difficult to enter the labour market, ” says Svantesson.”

“She also warns you of upcoming tax increases.”

” this budget contains some tax increases and it is obvious that there will be more taxes that affects people living in rural areas, airport tax, petrol and dieselskatter. It is a landsbygdsfientlig policy, ” says Svantesson.”

“The sweden democrats are also unhappy with the vårändringsbudgeten.”

“– this does not impress me in any major way. I note the cuts, the money that we shot in the latest budget, for the care of the elderly, more nursing homes. The money is now removed, ” says Oscar Sjöstedt, economic spokesperson for the SD.”

“the Eu will try to coordinate with M and KD in budgetary matters.”

“– I think it may be a point to make it, ” he says.”

“the left party spokesperson Ulla Andersson is also very critical.”

“– When the Left party is not with the increase in economic inequality, there will be tax cuts for the rich, seasoned it with a deduction for gifts and so saves you on the older.”

“the Worst, she thinks that the removal of the värnskatten is. It favours those who earn over 50 000 sek. The implementation, however, only to the end of the year.”

“– they Need tax cuts? It is the fattigpensionärer or nurses in the care of the elderly who need money, and so saves you on care of the elderly. I also think that it is remarkable that you do not do anything with the savings at the employment service and the closure of all the offices, ” says Ulla Andersson (V).”

“the Centre party is satisfied with the vårändringsbudgeten.”

“We have received good dividends,” says the party’s economic spokesperson, Emil Källström.”

” We were clear before the hearing that we had important priorities that we wanted to see comes already now. It is about more and better jobs, better conditions for business, results in environmental and climate policy, better health care and living countryside, ” he says.”

“Emil Källström mentions especially reduced social security contributions for young people, the increased reduction of social security contributions for the first appointment and more new start jobs and more pathways into work. He also highlights increased support for expanded broadband deployment.”

“the Liberal leader Jan Björklund warns that Sweden is heading into a recession and that the economy therefore must be liberalised. The most important reform is the party’s own proposal to abolish the värnskatten, he believes.”

“Raised rutavdrag and reduced taxes for pensions are the other key proposals of Jan Björklund. He also emphasises that the liberalisation of the labour market and the more simple jobs.”

“– Two other key areas are the school, where we get the score from the fourth grade and increased powers for teachers. Nationalization of the school is also central. Integration policies with the language requirements for citizenship, the specific severe punishment for honor-related violence and etableringsstopp for new religious private schools, ” says Björklund.”

“What comes förändringsbudgeten for this year made some adjustments which have been especially important for the Liberals. It is about a half a billion more to school, mainly for teaching assistants.”

“– It is enough to 3 000 teaching assistants, which we see as a first step, ” says Björklund.”