“What is wrong with the biljournalister?”

“What is wrong with the biljournalister?”

“In the German newspaper Die Zeit, I read an interesting article about the big conference on global warming in 1979.”

“It was arranged in Geneva by the world meteorological institute, a united nations agency. Nearly 500 experts from around the world participated, 24 international organizations were represented, one american held the president’s gavel. After two weeks, adopted the conference issued a statement which said that it was an urgent necessity for the nations of the world to prevent climate change created by man.”

“the Knowledge of the human impact on the climate is, of course, considerably older than that. But the climate conference 40 years ago could have been the start of a global work to prevent the disaster that now threatens us.”

“What is wrong with the biljournalister?”

“the Papers report on the scandals of Swedbank. Every citizen wonder enough how it is possible to mismanage a company. Well, you do understand that a mistake often leads to another. Well, you do understand that the greed on own or employer’s behalf can tempt directors and the minions to turn a blind eye to things they should be alert about.”

“What is wrong with the biljournalister?”

“I check what the media reported on Friday, 29 march. Swedbank was great of course. Its shares slumped. It did not help that the chief executive officer Birgitte Bonnesen been fired.”

“the Christian democrats went up in the polls.”

“Theresa May was, as usual, before the new fiasco in London.”

“Today’s News told me that climate change puts a clear mark around the world. This is according to the world meteorological institute in a new report. The same organization that for 40 years ago, the first global climate conference.”

“And in Aftonbladet’s and Svenska Dagbladet’s common motorbilaga we could the day read about a new model of the Subaru Outback, a conventional biltest with the usual testimonials about the comfort, driving experience and engine performance:”

“…solid…old fashioned charm…very easy to maneuver…the engine purrs like a happy cat most of the time…when I roll started after the start, shoot the car off like a rocket…”

“and you’ll see large parts of the motorjournalistiken out.”

“It is as if the monitoring of Swedbank these days most would be about the service in the offices, new loan package and interest rate. And in the end hang on to a little enlightenment: the bank is suspected of racketeering and money laundering, the ceo has been fired, the president has got to go, the police are investigating, the us authorities are crumbling blood and the company can fail.”

“In biljournalisternas world see the attached enlightenment like this:”

“the CO2 emissions of the Subaru Outback 2,5 I Active: 193 gu002Fkm”

“the EU target 2020: 95 gu002Fkm”

“Subaru presents, therefore, a new model. It emits twice as much carbon dioxide, which the EU says should be the upper limit on the … sorry, I have to count on your fingers … just over eight months.”

“isn’t it a more interesting thing to write and ask questions about the than that the car ”rolls like a snorting Lipizzanerhingst up to the top position in the ranks of the street”? Emissions of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide is our greatest issue. The intervention in everyone’s life. It will force us all to change our lives, whether we like it or not.”

“The reporter who wrote about Subarun followed just the pattern. She did it as her managers and probably a lot of readers expect. Then continue as usual. Though you may well mention something about the carbon dioxide.”

“I think of it when I’m sitting at the Löfbergs lila’s café. A small boy stands at the glass door and looking at the traffic on main street. He then turns suddenly, running across the floor and says hum! brrrrummm!”

“What sound do small boys in 20 years? Hardly hum-hum.”

“What sound do biljournalisterna? While the world changes around them they continue to say hum-hum.”