On Thursday, for the first time meeting the infamous pandas Xing and Mao Suni in Copenhagen Zoo, but the germans have already had the pleasure of their two pandas in nearly two years.

In June 2017 received our neighbours to the south namely the pandas Meng Meng and Jiao Qing, who since has become a genuine success for the Zoo Berlin.

– Since the pandas arrived, Germany has been hit by the ‘pandafeber’, says a spokesman from the Zoo Berlin to the Extra Blade.

– We have not just gained worldwide media attention, but the number of visits has also increased considerably. The day are pandas still the most popular animals in the garden.

In spite of the fine words, it has not been completely smooth for the germans to get a visit from the far east. Pandaen Meng Meng insisted, for example, to go backward round, when she arrived to Germany.

Meng Meng is a little diva. She requires so much attention from the keepers. If she does not get it, as she will have it, or if there is something that she does not like, she can still find to go backwards, informs the Zoo of Berlin.

– Our pandahold have, however, managed to stop the behavior almost completely.

the Zoo Berlin does not expect that their Danish colleagues in Copenhagen are going to experience something similar.

– Meng Mengs behavior surprised us a little in the beginning, but we are really satisfied with the way the pandas have acclimated themselves, tells the Zoo Berlin.

If their word is to be believed, both the people and the Copenhagen Zoo, therefore rejoice tremendously over the pandaeventyr, we have embarked on.

– you can look forward to some fascinating animals, which is going to win the danes ‘ hearts in no time, the sounds from the Zoo Berlin on the question of what they can expect of the two new chinese.