prime minister Theresa May and labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has been difficult for each other – even on a personal level – is hardly a secret.

The british political culture and majoritetsvalssystemet invites to conflict, rather than cooperation and compromise over blockgränserna.

there is Much to suggest that it will require much more than a week of negotiations in order to bridge the förtroendegapet.

the Labour party the Labour party wants a continuation of the customs union, in order to reduce the risk of economic problems after the Brexit.

For Theresa Mays conservative government, however, would be a customs union to deviate from an important principle. May has long insisted that the british should have the opportunity to conclude trade agreements with third countries on their own – something not possible with a customs union.

Both sides describe the talks as constructive, but it remains to see if they can get closer to each other on this central point.

a new conservative prime minister to ignore it as Theresa May agreed with the opposition? Several brexitörer in the ruling party, the Tories argue is already there – which makes the opposition uneasy.

the objective of a customs union can be written out in the political declaration on the future relationship with the EU. But this document is not legally binding.

the former foreign minister, Boris Johnson or any other brexitör succeeds May in the summer, would he be able to ignore completely in agreement.

Therefore, want the opposition to have a ”Boris-lock”. A way: to include the objective of a customs union in the british law of the EU-exit. Another: that the parliament will have more influence over the negotiations.

Theresa May has difficult to keep the radical brexitörerna in his party on the carpet, Jeremy Corbyn at least as great job with the wing in the Labour party who want to get to a new referendum on Brexit.

Many in his group requires that an agreement shall include an opportunity for a new vote – something Theresa May is completely the opposite.

Theresa May has promised not to worsen for workers after Brexit. But the Labour party is anxious that a future conservative government should dump the terms and conditions of employment and standards for environment – and livsmedelsskydd.

Therefore, require the Labour of a mechanism that automatically ensures that the Uk consequences the same standards in these areas as the EUROPEAN union.

Pia Gripenberg: May chasing solution before the emergency meeting in Brussels – but need to search at home