Fresh, young, honest and perhaps a bit naive Volodimir Selenski comes over, the comedian, according to the polls on may 21. April is going to win the presidential election in Ukraine. But behind the politically inexperienced man who plays his future office is currently in a popular TV show, is a man who embodies the exact opposite of the smart comedian: Igor Kolomojski, one of the three richest men in the Ukraine.
mining, steel, energy, media, business, politics – everywhere he plays. He was a Patriot, says Kolomojski. However, in the Ukraine, he does not want to return, as long as President Petro Poroshenko is in office. There are several procedures to run against him, as well as in the USA and in Switzerland, because Kolomojski is notorious for its male business methods. Prior to moving to Israel, where he has lived since 2018, he spent several years in the vicinity of Geneva and in Switzerland, too, left traces. In 2011, he took over the Ukrainian partner of the Swiss airport service provider Swissport. Swissport owned 70 percent of the Joint Venture. After the Acquisition Kolomojskis the Swiss company was within a very short time to get out of the business and was forced to cede its share of the Ukrainian side.
Poroshenko referred to his Challenger Selenski frankly as a “doll Kolomojskis”, because the TV show – and now the campaign is running on the home TV of the oligarchs. Selenski and Kolomojski deny vehemently, to have made a Pact. He could not help it, if the people Selenksi wool, asserts the Oligarch. But well, he finds the comedian in any case: “Ukraine does not need a Selenski, but millions,” he says. “He is the Symbol for the next generation.”
Financial help for volunteer battalions
Kolomojski, however, is a typical representative of the old oligarchs, the guards ripped the economy of the former Soviet Republic under the nail and the Ukraine over the years has been bleeding. Like the other tycoons, he is therefore in the people is conceivable to be unpopular. After the Maidan Revolution of 2014, and the annexation of the Crimea by Russia, he deserves to be, however temporarily, some respect among his countrymen. The Ukrainian army was not due to corruption and neglect practically ready for use against the Russian advance in Eastern Ukraine. Kolomojski put so much money in the establishment and equipment of several volunteer battalions, which helped prevent a further Advance of the Pro-Russian insurgents.
in 2015, made it the transitional government in Kiev and then to the Governor of his native Dnipropetrovsk region, today, Dnipro. With his great influence, but also thanks to its rabid means, he managed to stifle the uprising in the Bud. So he has paid out several Thousand francs for the head money for the arrest of Pro-Russian agitators, and those gifts are distributed the weapons to the authorities that they provided. And Kolomojski came to the end: unlike the neighbouring regions of Luhansk and Donetsk remained Dnipro spared from the war. And by the way, the Oligarch has saved up his own Business in the Region in front of the Russian access.
This strengthened his Power and also his self-confidence massively. In the case of disputes in the energy business, he had armed fighters from its volunteer battalions in Kiev March, in order to defend his possession. The units are today, although the Ministry of interior, however, still a tremendous Power. Is notorious, especially the battalion Azov, which has become the basin of a collection fighter of racist and extreme-right, although donors Kolomojski himself is a Jew. The USA have set Azov “nationalist hate group” on the black list.
Selenski is on back cover
dependent of The idiosyncratic Kolomojski was soon on a collision course with Poroshenko, dismissed him, finally, in 2015, as Governor of Dnipro. The Oligarch criticised the President sharply: Poroshenko is different from the out of the office swept Yanukovych only by the fact that he was better educated, better English speaking and no criminal record have ranted Kolomojski. In 2016, the dispute reached a climax. At the time, the largest Bank was nationalized, the Ukraine, Kolomojskis private Bank, because the funds according to the authorities of 5.5 billion Swiss francs were missing. The institution had been misused for money-laundering abuse. The nationalization was nothing more than a brazen theft, countered Kolomojski. The Bank, he does not want to go back today. However, he demanded from Kiev compensation payments in the amount of two billion Swiss francs.
It will not go to him to revenge her Kolomojski, he was an “eternal opposition”. But, without a doubt, a President Selenski would be very useful. And Vice versa, the comedian from the oligarchs would only benefit: Finally, Volodimir Selenski has in the Ukrainian policy, not his own power base and is in need of a strong man in the Background that dominates the political intrigue perfectly.
(editing Tamedia)
Created: 09.04.2019, 19:45 PM