It was a perfect scandal, even before the show was ever broadcast. In a long Text in your column on columnist and noble was a prostitute Salomé Balthus Roger Schawinski not a good hair. “The abuse of Schawinski” was the title. A few weeks previously, she had recorded a show with him.
Although you knew, that you will talk about your family and the father, she writes. But so? Schawinski namely, I asked out of the blue: “Has need of her father as a child sexually abused?” Balthus writes of shame, guilt and powerlessness, which would have this question in your aroused and indignation, that Schawinski her father’s sexual abuse.
have you brought out the concept that after the consignment at the airport, get drunk I need to and not know how to put it back together.
Insensitive, uninterested
Would fall, the thing actually so, had the author had reason to complain. But in fact, Schawinski Balthus is not’ father of child abuse. In fact, he refers to a one-player, with Alice Schwarzer, in the these claims, most of the women, the prostitutes voluntarily, had been abused as a child. It Schawinski asks Balthus: “it Was also the case with you?”
Anyone who has even a Minute of sexual abuse, should know that this is the wrong question in the wrong show. What would he do with such Information? Just nod and go to the next attack? At the same time they can surprise you but also anyone who has schawinski’s Format is familiar, because it occurs exactly as you know him: Insensitive, superficial and a little To interested.
Missing women
Ironically, had SRF shown two days earlier, clearly, how to deal with such issues properly. In the talk show “Club” for the Jackson documentary “Leaving Neverland” is debated by experts on various aspects of this difficult topic. And this brings us to the actual Problem: The confrontation brushed Interview-style schawinski’s.
A barrage of questions with the intention of bringing the Opposite of the concept, may be displayed for political issues sometimes. But not for so-called soft issues. And certainly not for the issue of abuse. The namely, a minimum level of interest for topics and people – and not only for the calculated scandal.
This also explains why so few women appear in his show: You have to be very argumentative and self-aware, to take such a callous Inquisition. Although Balthus piped to the end of the programme: “I feel very comfortable here, Mr. Schawinski”, but obviously the opposite was the case.
epilogue for the columnist
yesterday’s broadcast also showed: the fact alone that someone is a prostitute, a Noble, and as a columnist for a bit of advertising for their services want to make, as you described it in the show, as the topic alone is very little. Accordingly, tormented the two of them had in their conversation.
For Balthus had a thing for a negative aftermath: After Schawinski had complained to the “world” about it, Balthus spread falsehoods about his mission, was not only the Text from the web. According to a Mail from Ulf Posch HART was also set to be equal to your column. After all, her appearance had the desired Marketing effect: Reportedly to play in the “world week” already with the idea to offer the fallen author in the asylum.
Created: 09.04.2019, 12:50 PM