“coal exit now” and “you ruined our future,” is on a yellow and green posters. Also last Friday, the students protest for more climate protection. You start in front of the Federal Ministry for economic Affairs, then it goes in the direction of the Chancellery.The Head of the house, Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), was President of the first world conference on climate change at all. That was 1995, in Bonn, Merkel’s Minister of the environment. Later, she called for “decisive years” to combat climate change. Today, the former climate Chancellor, bears the responsibility to ensure that Germany’s climate policy is a shambles.

The climate target for 2020 will not be achieved, emission rights must be bought due to a missed EU climate targets expensive. And how can the 2030 climate targets are to be achieved, this is still a big mystery. Although the coal has submitted to the Commission a Plan for the phase-out of fossil fuels. The proposals of the transport Commission are not enough. And for the building sector, there is still no Plan.

But now, after the drought of last summer and due to the striking students, to climate protection on a new importance in the Federal government. Therefore, Merkel has established a climate Cabinet. The idea is to have The responsible Minister in the Chancellery up to the table and discuss how Germany’s climate targets for 2030. The first meeting will take place before Easter. How often you meet, whether it deals with the sectors one after another – all is still unclear. Clear is supposed to be for the people but climate protection is now “a matter for the boss”.

the Federal environment Minister, Svenja Schulze (SPD), officially the Director of the climate Cabinet, will bring their own proposals, including a concept for CO2-pricing in the areas of transport and heat, and their idea of how a climate protection law. This includes the sector’s goals of climate protection plan 2050 to establish, by law, already adopted in 2016 in the former Federal Cabinet. The Union don’t like it. She’s looking for reasons, why the climate protection plan 2050 should not apply. “These objectives were agreed within the Federal government, they were, however, decided not, at any time by the Bundestag as the only democratically legitimized legislator or confirmed,” says Joachim Pfeiffer, energy policy spokesman of the Union faction in the Bundestag.

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CDU Boss discovers climate change

However, the climate protection to issue a cancellation that has made Merkel is also for the Union is no longer an Option. CDU-Chef Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer has discovered the topic for themselves: “I don’t want to lose these young people, and I want to take them seriously,” reads their announcement, as they completed last Wednesday, a public dispute with the SPD Leader Andrea Nahles in Berlin, the topic of “the future of the people’s parties”. “The idea that you operate for climate protection, without that anyone notices, is illusory.” More and more often she speaks of the urgent need for financial incentives must be set in order to reduce carbon dioxide.

A further u-turn, there is the case of CSU leader Markus Söder: He calls last weekend for a “fresh start for climate protection”, needed a “green industrial Revolution had in principle”.

And so the Union, the question arises, how could an energy and climate policy, the car manufacturers and energy companies, while noticed – but not too much.

The discovery phase can be a week ago in the Adlon at the Brandenburg gate to watch: The CDU economic Council has been invited to the year-energy session. At stand-up tables with white tablecloths, wine glasses in Hand, where water is bubbling, put together entrepreneurs and politicians the heads. Just economy Minister Altmaier has promised on the Podium, in everything you do in energy and climate policy, “a price tag” on it. Of the economy, especially the auto industry, expect it solution proposals, as she wanted to the climate objectives of 2030. “CO2 price on it,” says a businessman in the Foyer, it was a sensible Plan. Just no climate targets increase.

Altmaier don’t want a CO2 price

However, Altmaier also makes the Adlon clear that there is to be with him no CO2 price “Because the fairs are not sung in a long time,” murmur the men at the table. Later in the week, the SME Association of the Union will propose that the European emission trading in the sectors of transport and heat to expand. This is a way to increase the price of the emission of CO2. The proposal marks a turnaround for the business wing of the Union in climate policy. So far, you have been warned, especially before the stress of the industry through climate requirements.

“climate protection must go beyond Innovation. Don’t ökoplan economy”, say the entrepreneurs in the Adlon. It is a side swipe at Schulze’s Plan from the climate protection act. The climate Cabinet, set up by Merkel, now, finish, “fortunately,” the discussion about Schulze’s design.

And so there is also this reading about Merkel’s climate Cabinet: the sector goals of breaking up again, and to take the pressure off the issue of climate protection, have called for the Chancellor to the Board. Federal Minister of transport, Andreas Scheuer sees it that way. We should think across sectors, says the CSU politician, as he was last Thursday, of all things, together with environment Minister, Schulze E-buses in Berlin will be presenting.

Which is, in turn, support for their Plan in the group. The first time the Minister is only “logically”, says Matthias Miersch, Deputy Chairman of the SPD group in the Bundestag and responsible for environmental issues. Because a climate change bill, without clearly regulated liabilities are not functioning. Miersch fight has always been for a more ambitious climate policy in his party, which is traditionally that of the Coal miner. However, in view of the strike, students also SPD-Boss Nahles are moving now, the climate protection in the foreground. There is a need for more pace, said Nahles last weekend. Also a significant change: some months Ago, yet you made it clear that their party stands for “blood sliding tackle against brown coal”.

delays in the climate protection law

at the same time there Nahles cautious when it comes to the question of how much climate protection in the mid-term review of the Grand coalition: “now If we were to make every important point always to a thing,” said the SPD Leader in the dispute with Kramp-Karrenbauer. Due to climate protection Nahles does not want to endanger the existence of the coalition.

delays in the time schedule of the climate protection act are quite conceivable, because there is still so much need for clarification. If it is this year, but nothing with the law, they are not in Union politicians Pfeiffer the left: “The world is not going to also, if the law comes three months later.”

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data analysis on climate change, Massive changes are threatening in Brandenburg and Berlin

On the Friday demo, the students arrived at the Branderburg gate and roll up your posters. “We come back”, call it to a conclusion.