The Iranian revolutionary guards are more than an army. Also in economy and politics play a role. The United States classifies as a “terrorist organization”, evokes appropriate reactions.

revolutionary guards – even the Name makes clear – it’s not just the army of a country. For many, the Iranian revolutionary guard is a state within a state. For US President Donald Trump, you are a terrorist organization. Next week you should come to the black list of the United States. As one of the first of the justice chief of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi, who is close to the Top of the regime:

responded “Today, everyone can see how America operates. You have to arm there are no other objectives, as terrorists, to control and accommodate. The USA have declared today with the revolutionary guards, an organization to terrorists of the Islamic movement helps people and defenders in the world. This action by the United States will never be accepted, it is the global no recognition.”

the head of The revolutionary guards, Dschafari, controls in Iran, more than just an army.

The Power of the revolutionary guards

The IRGC troops are an army with the ground, air force and Navy, but they are more. You are directly responsible to the leader of the revolution Ayatollah Ali Khamenei are his domestic political backbone. You are in control of parts of the nuclear program and the missile units.

your Power reaches far into politics and the economy. The Tehran metro and other infrastructure projects in their fields of business, check the Oil, telephone and Internet. Trump wants to turn this cash and available assets of the revolutionary guards in the USA freezing. American companies are allowed to do no more business with them.