15,000 signatures in a referendum the people of “Deutsche Wohnen and co. to expropriate gathered” according to his own statement already. The Start was at the weekend. The 20,000 valid votes are needed for the first stage.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), is sure: it keeps expropriation “not an appropriate means to alleviate the housing shortage”. The government spokesman Steffen Seibert said on Monday. Federal Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU), the debate is “unnecessary as a goiter”.
In the Berlin CDU, it is not quite so sure. Would be adopted by the party of a corresponding law, if the referendum is successful? A story in three acts:
I: Monday, at 15:05 / group-in-chief Burkard Dregger (MdA) says in rbb-info radio: “If there is a corresponding vote, then a government is that we are involved, that are not able to ignore, but needs to perform this will.”
II: Monday, at 20:28 / Jan-Marco Luczak (MdB) twitters: “expropriations do not solve problems but create new ones: costs plunging Berlin into even more debt (…). Desire not to accept #unconstitutional&!“
III: Monday, at 22:18 / Burkard Dregger via press release of the CDU declared: “today’s message to a radio station, the Berlin CDU would respect the people’s desire for expropriation, and a government with the CDU-participation would consider a referendum to be binding. I meant neither said nor. We consider the referendum to be unconstitutional.“
It first in the daily mirror Checkpoint
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