The ADFC stands today, the most bike-friendly city in Germany. For the first Time, Andreas Scheuer gives the price. But how bike-friendly the Minister is actually self?

Recently the Federal Minister of transport, Bicycle was mainly hereby present. “Wearing helmet saves lives. Helmet wear!” Scheuers campaign for more security were all great because of half-naked Models for the helmets advertised.

on the Other hand: After all, the top transport politician takes care of the wheel. And out of his traditional car-heavy house sounds are heard, which indicate that there is an issue was discovered.

transport state Secretary Enak Ferlemann said last year on a Cycling Congress, to the plans of the Federal government. “We give the Bicycle more space, more influence of grant. That is the goal: to make more for Bicycle traffic.”

To do this, it is full also Numbers, right impression: in 2030, 25 percent of all trips are made by bike more than doubled, and today there are about ten percent.

The helmet campaign of the Ministry of transport has caused a lot of criticism.

150 million euros for Cycling

How much of this Rhetoric is, how much the real policy in the budget. Because 150 million euros is currently Cycling – not a lot, but 50 more than under Alexander Dobrindt. Burkhard Stork, Executive Director of the Bicycle clubs ADFC, see Scheuer also reasonably positive. In comparison to its predecessors.

“Ramsauer had more interest in the bike but the bike. Dobrindt had a total interest in anything related to bikes. And therefore the one that is best is the barn. Best must, of course, hot. Scheuer makes in the meantime, one or the other for the bike. He has, we believe, in head and understood that the wheel is an important topic. Whether or not he is also with the heart, because we are not sure.”

bicycles in Freiburg: The ADFC awarded today, the most bike-friendly city.