It is accustomed to read and hear: the German armed forces, a Torso.
Since you will in the world, or at least almost ready for use, and it is not. It will also be so fast. Every report shows that a lot of little flies, runs, swims, too little ammo is available. The guns, unforgotten, in the case of continuous fire warped. That there is a lack of stocking. That repairs not a quick replacement is available.
The list could go ever further and ever more detailed continue – to the horror of the professionals in the force . It is a list of inability. And what the Parliament says, what the party of the responsible Minister, the CDU?
The investigation Committee in the Bundestag could still be long, long days, no question. At some point, soon, but it needs to be an end to the investigations and with the Malaise. Otherwise, the members make themselves guilty of their armed forces. “Your” army, because it is a parliamentary army. Here it is, in a sense, a “defence commitment”. And without assistance, it can’t go on.
Major award
With the lack of money has little to do. The German army gets a significant award from the state coffers. Anyway, more money does not automatically mean more organization. Instead, the financial resources need to be directed at absolutely goal, a modular, a miss after the other to reduce. Anyone who questioned, however, the defense experts who will not hear again and again that the leadership in the Department is in the process of confidence in their competence.
Which brings us to the main point: trust in the competence. For So many years, Ursula von der Leyen is now Ibuk, “the owner of the command and command of violence”, that you can no longer say that all your predecessors are to blame. Because otherwise, it would be within the army, the deep state, the all-monotony is, who has the final Say, anyway, immutable. But this cannot be true; otherwise, Karl-Theodor would have been able to abolish Guttenberg never compulsory military service. If disclosure of documents is true, that the Minister had in January 2018, the million dollar consultant affair, afterwards but didn’t care – then all of that taken together, under normal circumstances, would submit to resignation.
More about
Because of the dangers in the cyber space Leyen use of external consultants in the Bundeswehr
defends does not show That it is so, how the Public views the abuse in the meantime as normal. Who’s upset? Lack of interest in the German armed forces is still a friendly word. And that the Minister must defend himself once more, also shows that obviously, the CDU has been completed in majority with her. Amazing paradox: Ursula von der Leyen is still in office, but for many, in a way, already gone. For this, however, is the position of the defence, in the Ministry, and the thousands of people in the force to important, as you get used to it.