British Prime Minister Theresa May meets on Tuesday, again with the German Chancellor Angela Merkel , as well as the French President, Emmanuel Macron, to discuss the status of the Brexit process.

This is the German government spokesman, Steffen Seibert, as well as the elysée Palace announced on Monday. The topic is likely to be the question of an extension of the deadline for the exit of the UK from the EU. On Wednesday May in an EU deadline special summit to extend the Outlet up to 30. June ask.

The EU has already made it clear that they will have to submit a Plan on how to go on. So far, the outlet is already for the 12. April planned. Without further delay, or acceptance of the resignation agreement, a termination without agreement, with drastic consequences for the economy and many other areas of life.

Merkel wants to avoid a Brexit without an agreement. At the same time, stressed Steffen Seibert that it is in these difficult times of Transition is important to maintain the unity of the 27 in the EU the remaining countries, in particular, when a decision about an extension had to be made.

Macron sees a further shift of the Brexits with great skepticism. The EU could not be permanently hostage to a political crisis in great Britain, he had declared in the last week.


The British foreign Minister, Jeremy Hunt, has, meanwhile, referred to the discussions with the Labour Opposition on a solution to the Brexit as a “very, very difficult”. Prime Minister Theresa May now lead negotiations “with someone like (Labour leader), Jeremy Corbyn”, “is not easy at all,” said Hunt on Monday at the Meeting with his EU colleagues in Luxembourg. May but will “leave no stone unturned” to lead the Brexit to success.

“Like toothpaste”

The EU is hope, that there is no unregulated Brexit, said Luxembourg foreign Minister Jean Asselborn. “The British have made a Deal a No Deal, and now you want to make out of the No Deal a Deal.” “It is like toothpaste: you can get them very easily from the Tube out, but not more pure.”

If the UK, a further shift of the Brexit-need date, should this be granted, said Finland’s foreign Minister, Timo Soini. He hoped that the UK could emerge in an orderly process. To said demands according to a second Brexit Referendum Soini: “I think that the British population came to speak.” It was now a “common interest”, to deliver Brexit””.

A chaotic exit the UK without a contract is said to be in the interest of anyone, the Spanish foreign Minister, Josep Borrell. “The next few days and hours” were “crucial” to find out whether the Problem could still be in front of the constituent meeting of the new EU Parliament at the beginning of July resolved – or whether the British are in need of more time and again at the European elections in may would need to participate.


Created: 08.04.2019, 13:15 PM