The shareholders of the Japanese car manufacturer Nissan have thrown the imprisoned Ex-head of the group, Carlos Ghosn from the Board of Directors. The shareholders voted on Monday at a meeting in Tokyo to release the car Manager after 20 years out of the guide. Its place in Nissan’s Board of Directors will take Renault chief Jean-Dominique Senard.

Nissan had dismissed Ghosn after his surprising arrest in November as Chairman of the Board. The 65-Year-old, however, remained for the time being, a member of the Board of Directors. For being thrown out from the body, a vote of the shareholders was necessary. Also from the Board of Directors Ghosns former right-Hand man, Greg Kelly, was excluded on Monday.

Ghosn was on 19. November in Japan. He should for many years have a low income at Nissan and personal losses on the Japanese car maker to transfer declared. After a hundred days, he was released on a high bail and under strict conditions.

denied accusations

Last week, he was taken again. The public Prosecutor’s office accuses him of in addition to the previous charges, between the end of 2015 and mid-2018, a total of $ 15 million to Nissan-funds to a de facto controlled by him and company have transferred. He is to the diversion of five million dollars for private purposes and, among other things, a luxury yacht finances and investments in a firm of his son in the United States have made.

The former flagship Manager, who was also for many years the French car maker Renault’s fortunes, denies all the allegations and sees itself as the victim of a conspiracy. (sda/red)

Created: 08.04.2019, 07:32 PM