“Cats can distinguish their name from others”

“the Cats – like dogs – the ability to distinguish his name from other spoken words. It notes the japanese researchers, having studied close to 80 cats.”

“Carolyn, Alan, Crumb, and Findus. There are some of the 20 most popular kattnamnen in Sweden, at least if you believe the weekly magazine Hemmets Journal.”

“But answers your furry friend when you call out its name? And – in this case – is it really the name it reacts to?”

“Then the earlier you know that dogs have the ability to distinguish certain words from others, but in the case of cats, the knowledge is worse. In an attempt to remedy this, the japanese researchers analyzed the 78 cats that either the government, their days in ordinary households or at one of the many kattkaféer available in the country.”

“In the current survey, which are presented in Scientific Reports, said either one of the researchers or the cat’s owner’s four different words, similar to the cat’s name, followed by the cat’s real name.”

“the cat responded to its name, was defined as if the, when the name was said, either touched on the ears, head or tail, alternatively, the emitted sound. It also requested the researchers to the would react to the first word that was said, but then with a decreasing interest for the other three.”

“the Researchers notes that cats have the ability to distinguish his name from other spoken words, even when an unknown person says it. The ability was the same among ”

“modern phylogenetics has been around in humans for over 4,000 years. From the beginning it was the egyptians who tamed the african wild cat, which is now found all over the world, but now as a tam. In Sweden, there are about one million domestic cats, making it the country’s most popular pets.”

“Of these is closer to nine percent diversity, which means that the cat has a pedigree issued by an approved covenant.”

“the Cat is a typical predators that normally live of mice and other small animals that it can hunt and catch. Birds are also on the menu.”

“Source: Nationalencyklopedin”