the first decision in the riksdag, 2021, the mandatory fixing the vote after the election in the following year, a short phasing-in period and then stop Sweden officially be a monarchy in the year 2026. It is the target date which is now discussed up in the Republican association.

– It is a perfectly reasonable timetable. Sweden must take the final step and become a full, equal democracy suited for the 2000’s, and it must be done very soon, ” says Ulf Bergström.

for 15 years ago, showed opinion polls show that around 10-15 per cent agreed with them, but according to him, is the numbers is now around 30-45 percent.

” more and more people are starting to take position. When to and with (the historian) Herman Lindqvist says that Victoria will become Sweden’s last regent knows that it is on time. But in terms of getting more people to understand that it is on time also.

a ”blowtorch against the politicians”, of which, according to Ulf Bergström has a lot of support even though many are not taken the open position, but they should also intensify their work with advocacy.

– We will increase the pressure for now and do more. We already have several articles in the pipeline, ” he says.

he Himself is former EU official with merit from the government but also an author and an opera singer.

” there will be some entrances to the world of culture, an area in which more can take a position on this issue.

chairman of the Republican association during Saturday’s congress, as the successor to the socialist member of parliament, Yasmine Bladelius. Currently, the association has about 11,000 members, but want to increase both the number and the number of chapters in the country.

” We have a lot of work ahead of us, while we know that we are the David against the Goliath seen to the court pressmaskineri. But I have the champagne on ice and will open the day when all children can dream of becoming head of state.