During a break Friday morning is high school student at Niels Brock commercial college Mads Franklin Brøndberg, 22, and draws a little fresh air. He and his classmates write the exam, and the bystanders friends take hiv after hiv of their cigarettes.

But not the Mads Franklin Brøndberg. He has, since he was 18, resorted to the small bags with nikotinholdig tyggetobak, which is in the round, in white box, he always has with him.

– It gets me to relax in stressful situations, and so I think, it is nice to have something sitting under the upper lip. So I can sit and concentrate in school, if it is a long day, says Mads Franklin Brøndberg.

Mads Franklin Brøndberg is part of a trend. In a survey, which Ekstra Bladet has made among the 14 randomly selected high schools, the equivalent of nine high schools that they have students who are using snus. And the majority of young people, as Ekstra Bladet meetings at Niels Brock commercial college in Copenhagen, experiencing also snus as a widespread phenomenon. Most have even tried to ‘sniff’, and a few of the young people admitting that they use snuff or tyggetobak on a daily basis.

Mads Franklin Brøndberg tells that he has used snuff so long now that he is no longer experiencing a large effect of the nicotine.

– But in the beginning it was very to get that rush and the nicotine, which makes you become nikotinskæv, he says.

The young, which Ekstra Bladet has spoken with, has several suggestions on why snus and tyggetobak is so widespread. It is a popular alternative to cigarettes, many use it for parties for an extra kick, and be nikotinskæv, and then, according to young people, also that it has been easier to get your hands on.

It is due to the tyggetobak today is to find on the shelves in many places, among others in the 7-Eleven. The sale of snus in the uk is illegal, but the law, which came into force on 1. January 2016, does not include tyggetobak.

Mads Franklin Brøndberg on 22 have used snuff since he was 18 years old. Photo: Olivia Loftlund

Charlotta Pisinger, a professor in the tobaksforebyggelse, University of Copenhagen, believes that there is only a minimal difference between snuff and tyggetobak.

According to the tobacco industry is tyggetobak a completely different product, because the used tobacco is cut in a different way, but to be honest, so I can’t see what the difference would be. Basisingredienserne are the same, there are the same substances, and helbredsskaden will be the same, says Charlotta Pisinger.

Charlotta Pisinger regard to studies with animals showing that the brain of young individuals take the damage, when exposed to nicotine. It can cause problems with concentration, difficulty solving even simple tasks and behavioral disorders.

– I would argue that the damage by using tyggetobak and snuff are quite the same, says Charlotta Pisinger.

the Risks of using snuff or tyggetobak take up a lot of gymnasieeleven Mads Franklin Brøndberg.

– of Course I think about health, but now I think even that I am pretty good to to brand for. I can feel in the gums, now I keep a pause, and then I do it. Of course I’ve also been inside and read about cancer risk, but it is not something I think about daily, says Mads Franklin Brøndberg.

He has, however, never considered what implications the nicotine can have on his brain.

Victor Frederik Jørgensen on 22 also at Niels Brock Handelsgymnasiet. He is not using snus or tyggetobak in it daily, and it is because he has experienced difficulty concentrating when he has done it.

– I have experienced that I get difficulty with concentrating during the first five minutes, when I have taken snuff. And this is why I don’t take it so often in school. The concentration must be there, says Victor Frederik Jørgensen.

Victor Frederik Jørgensen on 22 years of using only snus, when he did not have the opportunity to smoke a cigarette. Photo: Olivia Loftlund

Though the law makes a distinction between snus and tyggetobak, among young people, which Ekstra Bladet has spoken with, not a big difference in the application. The small pack of tobacco placed under the upper lip, whether formally talk about snuff or tyggetobak.

Mads Franklin Brøndberg of 22 years is, however, very aware of what product he uses.

– For me it’s mostly about the amount of nicotine in the product. I buy only one brand, and it is probably the most popular at home. It is tyggetobak, says Mads Franklin Brøndberg.

According to professor of tobaksforebyggelse, Charlotta Pisinger, it is problematic that the sale of tyggetobak are exempted by the law.

My assessment is quite clear that tyggetobak also should be illegal to sell. It is, for me to watch, a question of law can be circumvented by selling the product as tyggetobak. Even, there are some brands of tyggetobak, where the content of nicotine is extremely high, says Charlotta Pisinger.

In the survey, which Ekstra Bladet has made among the 14 colleges, the equivalent of three colleges that they have introduced a complete ban on snus and tyggetobak.