The 31-year-old captain of the team and averages has played in Barça since pojklagsåren and now has a contract which expires summer 2021.

” We want him to have a very long career so that we can continue to enjoy him. We want to renew his contract, it is our idea, says Barcelona president Josep Maria Bartomeu to ESPN.

wrote nyckelmittfältaren Andrés Iniesta, a livstidskontrakt with the Catalan club. But in may last year, the 34-year-old for Vissel Kobe in Japan.

the Argentinian Messi recently passed Iniesta in the number of games played (676). Barcelona hope that the club’s top ever goalscorer (594 cases) also have to write on a livstidskontrakt.

” Messi is a klubbikon. It’s about more than what he does on the pitch, his relationship with the Barça will continue forever, ” says Josep Maria Bartomeu.